Friday, December 31, 2010

Flashback, Flashback...

Today is the last day in 2010....Kejap jer rasa masa bergerak...tup tap tup tap, dah setahun.....

So apalagi, inilah saat yang sangat afdhal untuk kita menyelusuri rentetan perjalanan hidup sepanjang tahun 2010...Kira entri yang agak ilmiah la kan....takde la entri yang tunjuk kasut boot, gambau main seno atau citer pasal dibiden asb ke dan lain lain entri yang kureng ilmiah tuh....(hahaha mapuh la aku kena sumpah nehhh)

Anyway....Meh kita flashback....

Imbas kembali...tahun lepas, pada tarikh ini ai sibuk attend minggu orientasi otomen sulung ai, nun di skola taman datang dengan segerombolan angkatan otomen dan Teddy, pastu jumpa ngan Kak Tek n anak-anak patblas orang dia, tanpa abe Gapor yang masih kat US masa tu...

Then lepas habih orientation, kitorang singgah jumpa doktor pojaan ai, Prof Datok Dr Malathevan, sebab ai rasa tak sedap badan...pehtu, Dr M suh ai buat urine pregnancy test walopon ai konpiden jer cakap tak mungkin peknen kott...n ai leh hengat saat saat ai rasa macam terputus vena kava jantung bila Dr M cakap test postip!!! ayomaaaaa ! itulah jeritan batin ai tika dan saat itu......

Then, lopeh tu, bermula lah era SBM ai...SBM, as in sakit buatan orang dimana ai masa tu betul2 melepek pening loya muntah...erghhhh tak hingin ai flashback saat saat itu....

Then, lepas era SBM berakhir, ai leh la mula berpoya-poya dengan bekas jeran ai yang dah jadi expatriate di US nuunn...tapi tak lama tempoh berpoya-poya ai...sebab jeran ai terobang naik bilun ke US, meninggalkan ai terkontang kanting kesorangan...huhhu sedey, takmo flashback jugak saat tuh....

Then....lepas melalui era yang paling getir dalam hidup ai.....................I was finally rewarded with such a wonderful came in a beautiful bundle of joy, called Yusoff Solehuddin....Alhamdulillah...segala-galanya mudah, dan rezeki kami pun turut melimpah selepas kehadiran Yusoff....

Dan this point of time, here I J town, Ostolia Barat...the dust is settling down, and I;m still adjusting here n there....

Teddy cuba ambil hati ai dengan beli set sofa leather baru, TV LCD baru, keta baru eh silap...keta tuh keta dia heh heh....sort of like, easing the moving pains lah...

Huh...sebenonya udah jenuh ai cuba buat hubungan telepati dengan minda Teddy....only if he can read my mind...kalau nak hiburkan ati ai, bawak jer la ai ke kedai omeh...tapi so far, dia buat derkkkk jer...huh nyampah!!!!!

ERK! Sorry, dah melalut dah topik ai.....

Anyway, goodbye 2010...welcome 2011....

bring us good health, and great wealth and profound happiness....amen.....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

LeaVin' On A JeT PlaNe.........

"Leaving On A Jet Plane"

I'm ... I'm ...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

I'm ...

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

And I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

But I'm leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
(Leaving) On a jet plane

I'm in a melancholic mood now, hence that dreamy song by Chantal Kreviazuk. It really suits my mood and the situation I'm in now. Well if you don't remember, Leavin' On A Jet Plane was one of the soundtracks in the movie Armageddon's the departing scene when Liv Tyler said goodbye to her hero.....(yep, together with Aerosmith's I don't Want To Miss a thing , love that song too!).

And being melancholic, I remembered playing this song over and over again back in my rented serviced apartment in Sydney while waiting for the taxi to pick me up to the airport....ah the was the song that I shared with my best friend -arwah Badrul...may Allah have mercy on his soul.....

Anyway, this song is all about leaving, but at the same time the dread of leaving things behind...

And this is the situation I'm in now...I'm leaving Beverjalil Hills that I had fondly thought as my home, and will be heading to Jerantut, Ostolia Barat (haha! a little joke never hurts)...

Part of me welcomes this new adventure, but another part of me dreaded the move...I hope that this is just a temporary move, so far we still retain the house in Beverjalil Hills, but one can never be too sure....sedih huhu....sib baik la Kak Tek dah lamo blah dari Beverjalil Hills...tinggal la Tokeh Chick jadi presiden baru Kesatuan Penduduk this moment, I really really dreaded being trekontang kanting kesorangan tak dak port nak lepak, takdak kawan nak sesama buat ketupat.....huwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

I will miss Beverjalil Hills...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perutku boroi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week aku melihat arca ku di cermin...after 3 months of delivering Yusoff, and almost 9 months of having extended tummy during my 4th pregnancy.... I liked what I saw in the mirror....sambil2 tu, sempat gak aku baca mantera....

mirror mirror on the wall,
who's the fairest of them all?

Yeah. Guess who's face yang tertera kat ceromin tu...harharharrrr...sila la hal.... was a floor length mirror....I looked at my face (no changes there, I'm still gorgeous as before...yep, ini tempatnya utk muntah)..... then I moved my eyes downwards at the twin peaks, so to speak (yay, I love breastfeeding time! idok la flatscreen sangat kehkehkeh), then I looked further down, yeah I still liked what I saw...I've got dangerous curves (hahaha again, sila muntah di sini)..............and then, pandanganku bertembung dengan my middle-lower frontal area...........n at that, aku hampir histeria !!!!!!!!

Aku boroi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohmygod ohmygod!!!!!!!!!!

My oh did I ever let myself to be like that ????? oh depresi melanda diri...........

Hari ini, selepas seminggu in denial...aku menerima hakikat yang....aku boroi......perutku boroi dengan lemak degil lagi tepu yang bebas berkeliaran....huhuhu.......

So hari ni, aku start exercise...........I began with a simple 3 in 1 shots exercise regime....errrr aku tengok lam tibi jerr step tu...lam rancangan ala2 The Biggest Loser, versi Korea.....

3 in 1 or Triple one shots which comprises of stretching, cardio and muscle toning steps......

Verdict : Separuh nyawaku hilang....n aku baru buat 1 set of Triple One Shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Habih sakit badan gue......

Time to get my comfort food....heh heh

Monday, December 6, 2010

Semalam Ku Bermimpi...Wet Dream Wa Cakap Lu!!!!!!

Huh korang nih..mentang2 kat tajuk tu aku tulih tajuk wet dream, gelojoh jer korang kelik mouse korang...huh....takder makna nyerr aku nak share pasal wet dream aku kat korang, bak kata Datok CT, Biarlah Rohsie....ngeh ngeh ngeh...

Anyways....semalam memang aku ada bermimpi....baekkk punya mimpi...beshnyerrrrr....

ALkisahnya, aku mimpi pergi satu tempat ngan Teddy n Otomen2 aku....besa la mimpi, mula2 tempat tu macam blurred jer kan....pastu aku nak beli barang, tapi aku rasa kudukut nak pakai wit aku....and taraaaaaaaaaaaaa....

lam mimpi aku tu, Inchek Teddy ngan baekk ati nya cakap yg dia nak kasi wit kat aku....nahhhh segumpal duit dia kasi, all in RM50 n RM100 notes wa cakap luuuuu!!!! Ada la kat RM10K tu....10K wa cakap luuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! Uols jangan jeles OK!

Then, aku pun mula la bernapsu ganas nak belanja wit tu.....tapi............huhuhu....lam mimpi tu tetiba aku dah ada kat Jasko....n the worst thing is, Jasko dah tutup............dah kul 10 malam !!!!!!!! menchiks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pastu aku terjaga....chaissss dah subuh ghoper nyer......lepas semayang subuh, aku sambung tido balik, dengan harapan leh sambung mimpi jadi orang kayoss bawak wit 10K supping kat Jasko...tapi hampagas cuma....mimpi antu ada lerrrr....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

tapi aku tetap bahgia sebab lam mimpi tu inchek Teddy dengan murah hatinya bagi wit sepoloh ribu hingget kat aku...sepuluh ribu ringget melezia wa cakap luuuu......laki uols ada buat camtuh ??? ngeh ngeh ngeh....sayyyanggg teddy....

sekian, citer wet dream yg tak berapa wet sebab aku tak sempat klimeks supping kat Jasko...huhu

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Imagine a nice, succulent, juicy steak sitting on a plate....

Imagine you popping that little piece of heaven into your mouth....

Imagine how the chewy, chewy meat and the juice from the steak and all the seasoning herbs mingled together, and creates an explosion of taste in your mouth, and you automatically close your eyes in order to intensify that heavenly taste in your mouth.......mmmmmmmmmm.....

This is my steak now....

Juicy...kan ???? heh heh

sekian entry pemaleh jugak (jangkit dari jiran bolognese ai)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Scriptwriter In The Making ???

Semalam, lepas balik dari Diwali holidays (cheh macam la aku pi holiday kat Las Vegas ke Hawaii ke heh heh), tengah2 aku nak tido ateh katil, tetiba aku terpandang sehelai kertas...aku baca ayat dia gini....KAU NI MEMANG TAK BERGUNE LANGSUNG, bla bla bla....huh apalagi, terus menyirap, mengOREN, meMILO darah manis aku...

aku tahu ni mesti kerja otomen sulung aku pun terus la guna suara sarjan hassan tengah PMS dan panggil dia mengadap....

Aku : Apa ni ?? ha ? apa yang awak tulis ni???
Otomen : ni abang tulis cerita otomen la Mama...
(pastu dia trus la baca apa yang dia tulis, siap ngan adegan bergaduh antara otomen ngan resakse lam dialog dia tuh)

owh...anakku sedang tulis skrip ghopernyerrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....oh siungguh giniyes anakku.....maklum la, ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke dalam pinggan kuah, kannnnnn???

p/s : aku tatau kenapa tetiba ada cam nama batik kat situ...dia teringat kat mak mentua dia yg kat amerika agaknya...heh heh

Friday, November 5, 2010

Kasih Beralih Arah...Saat Hilang Cintamu...

Argh. Ke mana harus aku laungkan kekecewaan ini. Telah lama ku pendam duka ini...ia nya bersarang di dalam dada, menyumbat liang dan pori-pori di paru-paruku sehingga aku sesak tidak mampu bernafas. Bagaikan udara yang ku hidu hilang oksigennya, lalu aku terkapar-kapar kelemasan.............

Oh belangsukawa hatiku ini....bertinta duka sejuta warna......

Dia sudah beralih arah. Kasihnya kini bukan lagi padaku....

Dahulu, suatu waktu dahulu, aku lah pujaanya. Namun kini, segalanya sudah berubah. Dia tidak lagi memberi perhatian padaku....

Dan aku tahu siapa puncanya....dia yang berbaju kuning, dengan sepasang mata biru dan bulu mata yang melentik. Siapalah aku untuk bertanding dengan 'dia'.....

Lalu aku pasrah.......Redha menerima hakikat ini.....

Hakikatnya.....Otomen telah ditewaskan oleh Spongebob!

Aku telah ditewaskan.....

oleh dia !!!! uhukkkkkk......

kasih mereka kini sudah beralih arah.....ohhhhh....

sekian, sebuah tragedi pada hari deepavali.....kehkeh

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ah...Daku Teringin : Cerita 18SX

Emmmm...Daku teringin...teringin untuk memenuhi tuntutan naluri asas...Rasa yang sekian lama ku pendam selepas melahirkan anak keempatku, 35 hari nan lalu...

Dan bagaikan benda terlarang yang lainnya, yang mana semakin dilarang, semakin enak dan eksotik rasanya...

ah....the glory of the forbidden taste...sinfully sweet...

Sudah beberapa hari aku menahan gelojak napsu yang membuak-buak ini. Semakin cuba ku kawal, makin tidak keruan aku jadinya...Bagaikan rasukan setan, perasaan teringin ini terus memburuku, dan aku bagaikan tidak mampu berlari lagi dari rasukan ini....oh kenapa ???

Lalu kuhitung hari...baru tiga puluh lima hari...belum cukup empat puluh hari....adakah aku cukup kuat untuk mengawal napsu ku ?? Tinggal lima hari sahaja, dan selepas itu aku bakal merdeka dari tempoh berpantang...kuatkan iman, astaghfirullahalazim !!!

Namun naluri nan satu itu terus memburuku, menghantuiku sehingga ke dalam mimpi ! Tidur malamku...ah....malam terasa begitu panjang, dan ranjang pembaringanku bagaikan dinyalai bara api ! (errr yang ni mungkin sebab aku pakai tilam thermal Zhulian ....panassss)...

AKu....resah....gelisah...tidak keruan aku jadinya....

emmmm...aku mahu....itu....

Aku mesti dapatkan....itu....


Malam ini, bakal menjadi malam yang terindah.....akan ku tunaikan tuntutan naluri ini....

Walaupun aku mungkin melanggar tempoh berpantang, semua itu tidak ku hirau!

AH persetan dengan tempoh berpantang yang belum selesai...Yang pentingnya, aku harus melunaskan gelojak nafsu yang membara ini....

Inilah yang kumahu....

one bite of heavenly, sinfully rich, moist chocolate cake.....emmmmmmmmm...
Gosh I can just taste the luscious chocolate melting in my mouth...................oh paradise......
Secret Recipe, tunggulah kehadiranku !

Abih, korang hengat aku cakap pasai apa ????? Choiiiiii !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Journal About Falling In Love

Here's the truth. I'm fallin in love again.

Yeah. Truthfully, completely, head over heels in love.

It's the fourth time that I fell in love, the fourth time that I feel a love so deep and profound.

A love without condition, border-less, to infinity and beyond, to eternity...forever...

A love so beautiful, so meaningful....

First encounter with love:

Hafiz, @14th Feb 2003

Second love

Hakim, @ 2May 2005

Third encounter with love

Abdul Rahman, @17th August 2007
(note : aku baru prasan yg aku takde gambo baby CikMan...sorry!)

And my current squeeze:

Yusoff Solehuddin, @1st September 2010

I wonder what is it about newborn babies that call upon such a great, profound feelings of love and protection?

I mean, newborn babies don't do much, except sleep, poop, pee and breastfeed like there's no tomorrow. And yet you want to protect them with your own life. And even if they don't do much except cry, you still want to kiss their sweet, heavenly smell and gaze at them for hours on end, and make conversation with them with your silly baby-voice....

And even if you are deprived of your precious beauty sleep because the baby keeps you awake at night, you love them still, and smile sweetly at your little bundle of joy who wakes you up at 3am in the morning...


Enough with blogging...I want to gaze at my baby...

Psstt : Entry kali ini adalah bertujuan untuk men-'saiko' ahkakbatik, Puan Banana dan pembaca lain blog aku supaya jeles dan rendu dengan bau baby jugak, lalu tawun depan mereka juga bakal jadi mak buyung !!! heh heh

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ini Bukan Cerita Raya !!!!!!!

Untuk tidak menghampakan jiran blog aku yang nunnn di kejauhan di North Carolina yang sedang fobia membaca cerita tentang raya, maka aku tidak sekali kali akan bercerita tentang topik raya.

Citer pasal rendang ka, nasi impit ka kuah kacang ka lomang ka laksa Johor ka lontong ka sate ka nasi dagang ka nasi istana ka......... ermmmmmmm alahai....sedapnya andai dapat ku menghirup kuah sate sambil mengunyah ngunyah sate yang lembut gebu penuh perisa rempah ratus sambil dikelilingi oleh kuih raya yang melimpah ruah dengan pelbagai nama omputeh seperti Almond Bar, Tiramisu Princess, Cheese Sticks (nota: tu sumer tu kuih raya yg aku order dan aku tengah sorok untuk mengelakkan hijack dari otomen)....oh alangkah enaknya...........emmmmmmm........bayangkan pulak saat itu aku sudah mampu berkebaya ketat untuk menyerlahkan pinggangku yang ramping dan perutku yang sudah flatscreen....oh bagaikan di syorga..............

Eh apa aku buat nih ???? Fokus !!!! Fokus !!!!!!!!! Ya ampun ahkakbatiks...maapkan aku yang sedang 8 hari berpantang dan selalu lupa seperti kata Che Dets....melayu memang mudah luposs....ya ampun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mari kita bercakap tentang baby, memandangkan aku pun masih teringat memori indah waktu beranak 8 hari lalu....heh heh

Baby : Up Close And Personal
Nama masih belum diputuskan lagi. Finalised names :
Close contests between

Rayyan Solehuddin
Yusoff Solehuddin

Aku prefer nama Rayyan Solehuddin, tapi Teddy kata ado unsur2 omputeh...cheh, tetiba jadi alim warak pulok ! huh menyampah aku...penat2 aku peknen, separuh maut aku beranak, alih2 tang nama dia lak pegang kuasa veto!

So why Rayyan ? Why Solehuddin? Why Yusoff ?

Marilah kita sama2 menyelami minda ku dan menilai apa yang baik ekk...jom.....

Rayyan maksudnya kepuasan, pintu syurga untuk orang2 yg berpuasa.

Solehuddin - sempena nama pahlawan Islam Solehuddin Al-Ayubi (ala, kan aku ada buat entry pasal Solehuddin dulus)

Yusoff - sempena nama Nabi Yusoff a.s. selain dari tersebut sebagai seorang manusia yang mempunyai rupa paras yang indah menawan, Yusoff juga disebut dalam Al-Quran sebagai seorang pemimpin yang bijak. Kacak dan bijak lagi berkarisma, what more can I ask ?

Hurmmmm....lepas besh lak nama Yusoff Solehuddin ekk....

Ladies and Gentlemen....'Introducing...Yusoff Solehuddin !!!!

amacam...OK gak kan ?????

OK dah settle pasal nama baby....jom cerita pasal raya laks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ngeh ngeh ngeh.....

Monday, September 6, 2010

There And Back Again !

Fuh. Lega. Dah selesai. Over n done with. Macam kata P Ramlee, dah lepas azab.....

Date : 1st September
Venue : Prince Court Hospital, Serdang (hahaha sejak bilo Prince Court pindah kat Serdang?)
Event : Beranak dengan penuh bergaya....heh heh
End Result : As Below

Apa lagi yang aku boleh katakan, selain bersyukur setinggi-tingginya pada Allah, kerana memudahkan segala urusan...syukur, syukur, syukur Ya Allah (ikut lagu Raihan OK!)....

So what happened that day ? Let me recall the chain of events.

Pagi tu aku bangun dengan penuh perasaan marvelous, like I'm on top of the world. Memandangkan dah hujung bulan, maka kena la replenish groceries stock. Dah 2 bulan, Teddy jer yg pi groceries shopping, tapi pagi 31 Ogos tu batinku meronta-ronta nak ikut jugak...sempat la jugak aku beli baju raya kat bebudak...

Then balik umah, aku baring jap...then masak...masuk daging lam oven, buat roast beef...pastu buat pudding, teringin sangat nak makan pudding...pastu buat kuah mi kari...kununnya lepas terawih aku nak makan mi kari....

Then ....aku angkat beg yg berisi barang groceries......n then..........oopssss I did it water broke....halamak, masa tu kul 6 aku terus sound Teddy yg tengah main PS2...n so terus capai bag baby n kitorang berlima ngan otomen terus la pi spital Serdang......sempat gak aku call abang aku kat Bukit Beruntung...distress call kaedahnya...hehe....

Sampai kat spital aku terus pi kat observation/dewan bersalin...tung tang tung tang, kul 8 baru la Dr mai check, takpo lah...doktor pun nak bukak posa gak kan...aku pun tak sakit langsung, cuma basah lenjun la sebab air keluar non stop...bila check, baru 2 cm dilated...owhhh itu psl la tak terus admitted ke ward....

By that time, bebudak dah balik umah, anak sedara aku yg belajo yg KLIUC tolong babysit...tapi aku still tak sakit ke hapa midnight aku suruh Teddy n abang aku n kakak ipar aku balik umah jer la....dah saspen, tapi aku maintain cool....

Then 4am, aku terjaga...ada rasa sakit sikit2....sayup2 jer sakit, tapi timing interval dia adalah dalam selang 15 minit....tunggu sampai kul 5, bila sakit dah 10 minutes apart, aku terus inform nurse, n yeah baby, it'ssssssssssss showtime !!!!!!!!!

Masuk labour room kul 5:30 am....then by 6:45 aku dah selamat deliver this gorgeous creature..........

muka ala2 korean...sebab aku duk tengok drama korea gamaknya...

Alhamdulillah, no complications, aku OK, baby OK....

Again, Thank You Allah...........

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Last Mile...Storms Ahead...

So I guess this is it. The last mile, the last leg of my pregnancy terms. At 35 weeks, I have a few more weeks to go before the new baby arrives. It seems like I had ventured so far, the end is near, but there's still a mighty ocean that I must conquer. A very dangerous and treacherous water.

And I dubbed it, the Labor Ocean. Oh god, I shudder to think about this battle ahead. My past delivery experience was not easy, and I found myself having a mixed emotion on this. Part of me just want to go ahead and get this over and done with, and another part of me just want to delay this...sigh....

My motivations are - to hold the new baby safely in my arms, and to take care of my little heroes. So with that in mind, I psyche myself up for the great ocean ahead.

Looking back, this has not been an easy period in my life.

In terms of a sea voyage, this had been a very rough sail, right from the beginning. It started with the terrible morning sickness period, and once the early storm subsided, just when I thought that I would have a smooth sail, I encountered another kind of storm. An emotional storm, deadly in my vulnerable situation.

And it was a really terrible storm, a level 5 hurricane, so to speak. And it shattered the foundations of my ship. I was close to abandon the ship and be done with it, but I can't. I had other passengers aboard my ship. So I had to kick back, right at the eye of the storm. And I did that, and the storm passed. For the time being, at least.

And there will be many, many storms ahead, that I can be sure of. I just hope and pray that I
would have enough strength to kick back those storms, right smack at the balls this time...ouch...

yeah baby!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Battle of Rome...or is it ?

Triggered by my Braxton-Hicks contractions, which brought me back down to earth after I flew high like a kite, courtesy of my chocolate cravings episode, I started to work out my plans for the inevitable baby delivery process.

And believe me, this process equals the planning of a great war, the one that I hope that I would win, hands down. And guess what is the big prize ? Yeah, my own bundle of joy ! Gosh, maybe this is what the Emperor of Rome felt each time he sent off his mighty general on those conquests for lands and glory....

So with that in mind, I sorted out my plans. Just like a great Roman general, Julius Ceasar, perhaps....planning on the conquest or a campaign, I laid down my plans....

Julius Caesar
Museo della Civilta

But hey, I should had really embraced the spirit of Solehudin Al-Ayubi, working out his plan to recapture Palestine from the Crusaders in the Battle of Hatin....and come to think about it, I really really admire Solehuddin, or Saladdin as the westerns pronounce it......

Statue of Saladdin in Damascus

Yeah, cross out JC, welcome Saladdin!!!!!!

But.........Argh...just the thought of labor brings shiver down my spine. But I can't avoid this anymore. Need to work out my best-laid plan. Here's the items :-

1./ Baby clothing/paraphernalia, like baby cots/towels/napkins etc etc
Status - checked, post completed, except for baby strollers/baby car seat; (Hints:gifts are welcomed hahaha)
Note : This is the fun part. I love the baby cloth huntings...those cute baby cloth...and did I mention about the BABY GIRLS clothings? oh gosh I am very very tempted to buy that cute pink dress, but since my 3 sonograms reveal penis, so I had to refrain myself from making that purchase........sigh........yep, this is boy number four coming right up....

2./ My own post-partum necessities
Ubat - checked, ordered from my friend, awaiting delivery. I opted to use Amway's Tropical Herbs Post Natal Care Set . Had used it before, and I simply loved this product.
Note : I always cheated on ubat...hehehe...this time around, I hope that I will finish all the ubat on more ponteng makan ubat OK!
Urut - Had booked from a makcik here. The only problem is that my due date will be on hari raya, so I might had to wait for one week before urut....sigh...well, can't do anything about that...
Note : I loved being pampered and massaged......looking forward to this!
Tungku & Barut : Checked, the barut/bengkung comes with the Amway set, and I bought an electric tungku....
Note : This is a MUST in my post natal care regime. I normally didn't really follow a strict diet/berpantang regime (makan, ai bantai apa yang ai rasa nak makan, n after 2 weeks of delivery ai dah keluar rumah, naughty eh??), but barut and tungku is a must, at least for the first 3 weeks.

3./ My otomen
- Oh gosh, here's the worrying factor (apart from my own labor). The other day, after Teddy went out for work, and I was watching TV with my adorable boys, I simply blurted this out to them...

Me : Boys...nanti mama bersalin, mama kena duduk hospital tau, and then mama balik bawak baby (using a happy tone) Boys : Nooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nak ikut ! mama don't go to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and then all of them end up crying on my lap and hugging me......and I end up crying too.....sigh....

Oh gosh...this is not my first delivery, it's my forth time, for crying out loud! But this time it's different. Before this, I normally gave birth at my kampung, and I don't have to worry about my boys while I was in the hospital. But this time, nay...we would be on our will be just me, Teddy, the boys and my new's going to be tough, but I pray that Allah would ease everything for us.........

and I wonder if the great generals ever cried with this touchy issue................

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Having A Braxton

Recently I am always having a Braxton.

Nope...I'm not talking about Tony Braxton although I must state here that I love Tony Braxton's songs...well, this had opened up a floodgate to my own memory lane...let me see....I remembered Tony's hits - Un-break My Heart, How Could An Angel Break My Heart...etc etc

Gosh those were my heartbreak songs,back when I was young and innocent...

I remembered how I used to play those songs over and over again, and crying myself to sleep over that sorry excuse of a guy! Talk about being young and dumb and clueless...sigh....

And Ms Braxton got such a beautiful voice, and a crazy, sexy beautiful body that she flaunts freely..........

Damn, she's got a beautiful bod....maybe I should put a rating to my blog....oh la la....

Whoops. There I go again, cakap keluar tajuk, dah sampai ke Laut Artik.....sorry, boys n girls!!!!

Now let's get back to topic. It seems that I'm always having a Braxton now. For the ignoramus, I'm talking about THE Braxton Hicks contraction. Here's something from Wiki...

Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor or practice contractions are sporadic uterine contractions that usually start around 6 weeks however are not usually felt until the second trimester or third trimester of pregnancy.[1]

So every now and then, I would feel this sharp cramp in my tummy.

And although I am still high like a kite with my chocolate addiction, this Braxton Hicks contractions bring me back to earth. It is like a big, giant warning to me. A red alert, so to speak. And hell, I respected that alert. It is boss...

And it took me down my memory lane of labor rooms and labor pains and I started to panic that I forgot how to breathe............gasp...aku kurang oksigen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so I reached down for another bite of Snickers, Kit Kat, Cadburry's, Cloud 9 and my other chocolate friends to comfort me...sigh....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Memoir Untuk Ary : Rest In Peace.....sob...sob.....

Hari ini aku tulis entry dalam bahasa ibunda aku...Kerana aku sedang menjalani tempoh berkabung 40 hari......

Ya...berkabung atas kehilangan Ary...bukan Ari Wibowo...tapi Pengeran Putera Arowana Mudzaffar Shah...iaitu arowana peliharaan Teddy........

Aku pun tak pasti macam mana Ary boleh mati tiba-tiba...sudden death case la ni...dan aku memang telah berhempas pulas cuba menyelamatkan Ary...sumpah ! Aku cuba tukar air akuarium tu, namun Ary menghembuskan napas terakhirnya pada saat yang penuh kritikal itu...maybe aku patut buat CPR kat Ary....huhuhuhu..................

owh ARy....kenapa kau pergi sekarang ???? kenapa ??????? why ?????
aku bersedih meratap pilu atas pemergianmu..................

well....the truth is....aku bukan sedih sangat atas pemergian Ary.....tapi akusedih sebab aku tahu lepas ni mesti Teddy akan beli ikang lain.............................

dan bersama itu............musnahlah impian golang omeh kerawang yg aku dah intai kat Poh Kong semalam !!!!!!!!!!! (cue gambo pompuan jelita tengah histeria nangeh !...aku la tu)

owh Ary..............ko musnahkan impianku............................

Ary dalam kenangan...kau pergi dengan membawa impian golang omeh kerawangku.....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Confession : I'm Having An Affair

Yes. I am having an affair. A lusty, full of secrets love affair. Well, actually I am rekindling my long lost affair with my old flame...

My first meaningful encounter was in my teenage years.

And I remembered every moments like it was just yesterday...

I remembered the first time I encountered C (yes, for reason of anonymity, let's just call it C)....The first time I touched was was soooooo deeply satisfying, it was everything that I expected it to be, and I was simply hooked to C after that. Addicted, hooked, enslaved....

And back then, I know C is bad for me, but I just couldn't help it. It was like a forbidden love, yet it was so exciting ! But as I grew older, I learned to control my desire, and so I kicked C out of my life, although not completely. Once in a while, I still bow down to my desire, and rekindle my romance with C.

As now...sigh...

C came back into my life with a vangeance, making every lost moment count. And I was helpless, powerless to fight C's magnetism, so once again I let myself to be swept off my feet and let C satisfy my basic desire....

Ummmmmmmmmmm...C is still marvelous. One forbidden bite again, and I am deeply satisfied. It is a lustful feeling. I love C and I simply must have C everyday...yes, as we say it in Malay, hari-hari mau!!!!!!!!

I simply love the dark, velvety sensation of C in my mouth. Feels like heaven! Oh yes, yes yes !!!!

And my husband Teddy knows about my fling with C, and he doesn't mind it at all.......

Why should he mind ? We are soooo open what....

After all, C is my lusty love affair with Mr Chocolate!!!!

Again, I blame my pregnancy hormone for awakening my long asleep cravings for chocolate....

OK, I gotta go....gotta to rekindle my lusty affair with chocolate....

Monday, June 21, 2010

Babe, You Take My Breath Away...

Nowadays, I am always breathless. Someone is sure to take my breath away. Lots and lots of breath and I am not even asthmatic to begin with.

But here's the punch line, the person responsible to cause me to be breathless all the time is a temporary resident inside my womb. Yep baby, you are the culprit!

I am now entering the dreaded third trimester of pregnancy. This is when I would be transformed into a heavy truck, the kind that is filled up to the ceilings with loads. My friend Adrian used to call me Penguin when I was in my third trimester with my first pregnancy. He said that I grow bigger (what he meant was my tummy grew bigger OK!), my style of walk resembles how a penguin walk. And I sweetly told him that yeah, vice versa Ade! (gosh I hope that he is not reading this haha)

Well picture this. When I stand up straight and when I look down below, I can't see my own feet, even if I tried to suck my breath to tuck in my tummy ! Oh I tried to cheat by peeping over the big mound of my tummy, but still, no sign of my own two feet. The only way I can see them is by leaning forward, and that, is indeed a wrong move to make. You see, like a heavy truck, my center of gravity had shifted somewhere else, and I am very very prone to lost my balance and toppled over ! Sigh....

And when I lie down to sleep, I mean lying straight on my back, I would be breathless. Yep you guess it right, my big tummy will press against my lungs, and cause me to be breathless.

I would be breathless after dinner, lunch and breakfast (hey I AM eating for two OK!). I would be breathless after I climb the stairs. Heck, I am breathless just by sitting in front of my laptop and surfing the net (which I do, like 23 hours in a day!) haha...

And don't let me start with my bellybutton...sigh..I had always been an innie all of my life...and now, suddenly, my bellybutton is inside out !!!!!!!!!!!! sigh.......

Note : This is not my bellybutton, but it sure is close haha

but I complaining ?

Heck no !!! I am enjoying every second of my pregnancy !!!!!

Yeah right babe.........

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Epilog Sepi si Perindu

Epilog Sepi Si Perindu


Jiwaku resah diulit selautan rindu
Hatiku rawan dicuit segunung kasih




aku rindu kamu


aku terpana

kucari dikau

namun kau tiada disisi
lalu aku meratapi ketiadaanmu

aku sepi tanpamu
lalu aku melakar sketsa rindu ini
sebagai satu manifestasi
rindu pada diri mu.............

ha amacam.........besh tak sajak kat ateh tu ? aku buat sendiri tu tawwwwwwwww....spontan jer....huh aku layan jiwang....jiwang karat lak tu .....

so apasal tetiba aku layan jiwang ? aku nak masuk deklamasi sajak ke ? nak anto ke majalah ke ? masuk peraduan ke ? untuk buku baru ke ? dedikasi kat Teddy ke ?????

oh tidak tidak..................

sajak tu aku buat sebab aku rindu tahap gaban dengan otomen sulung aku yang masih kat kampung, kat umah Opah dia.................

aku call henpon Opah dia 3-4 kali sehari sebab nak dengo suara dia....aku rasa Opah dia merangkap ibu mertua aku pun mesti menyesal suh tinggalkan otomen dengan dia masa cuti sekolah ni sebab aku asik2 tepon jerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hahaha

abih nak buat camano..................I'm just a mother...................

come back baby
come back safely to me...............

dah buat lagi dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

(alah OK lagi dari gambo posting kangkung belacan made in USA, ikang bilis siam beli kat Tulsa hahaha)

Nota : gambo kat ateh tu adalah satu cilokan semata mata...
photo credits to:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Caught !

OK lah, entri kali ni aku cakap Melayu la puloks...kang ada yang hengat aku lagi ngengada feeling ahmerikans, over lak dari jeran blog aku yang dah pindah duk Tulsa tuh....

Alkisahnya...udah dua purnama rumah aku ditumpangi oleh seekor makhluk halus. Ini seriyes! (tang ni ikut versi Wonderpets OK). Makhluk ni kecil, bergigi taring dengan kuku yang tajam lagi hitam. Muncungnya panjang, badannya halus dan ekornya jugak panjang. Ha! korang dah seram bulu ketiak ? So apakah spesies mahkluk halus ini ?

Adakah ia jenglot ? Toyol ?antu raya ? Jerangkung dalam lemari ? atau spesies antu omputeh (memandangkan aku suka nengok citer omputeh) seperti vampire ? poltergeist ? atau Ju-On iaitu antu Korea ???? Apa ????

hoh...napas korang dah laju dah...takut la tuh...hek ellehh...kalau pasal citer antu.....


Makhluk halus yang menumpang kat umah aku tu tiada lam senarai kat atas. Sebab apa ....

Sebab yang tompang umah aku tu ialah bernama CTK.

Apa ? Ada kena mengena dengan Datok CT dan Datok K dak ?? errrr....dak aihhh...

CTK tu ialah singkatan untuk CT Kus lah............ heh heh

so dah 2 bulan CTK duk tompang kat umah aku. Aku declare war sebab dia dah siap beranak kat kabinet tibi umah aku....eeuuwwwwwww....gross...........

So dah 2 malam aku pasang mousetrap....malam pertama, umpan dia makan, tapi tak kena tangkap....choiiii....

so aku bising2 kat Teddy, suh dia beli racun tikuih...aku dah tak tahan...kang anak dia berlari berkejaran ngan aku lak kang.........Balik keje Teddy kasi aku 2 tin kecik....mouse glue...hadoiiiii.........takmo kasi racun kunun....ellehhhhh....takut aku racun dia la tuh hahaha....

Anyway, semalam anak CTK dah masuk perangkap.....alahai.........bila dah kena tangkap aku tatau nak buat apa lak....nak bantai tak sampai ati...nak jirus air panas, ish kejam lak rasa....aku nak buat cam kaktek buat....jemo kat tengah paneh sampai mampoih, tapi Teddy tak kasi...kijam katanya.......ellehhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................ko lagi kijam padaku Teddy !!!! hetyu! errr fokusssss..........

so anak CTK tu masih terperangkap lam trap tu...takdak penyelesaian jugak pada masalah CTK neh................

so baik aku layan citer romen lagi....hohoho

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wind Beneath My Wings

oh I am soooo easily moved to tears nowadays. You can sneak behind my back and say BOO!, and I would be reduced to tears...

Like earlier today, for instance, HBO was playing Ever After:A Cinderella Story, and I used my veto power againts my boys and threaten them that there would be no lunch if they didn't allow me to watch that movie ...and my threat worked just fine, and so I watch the movie (again ??!!!!), and I got teary eyed and I sobbed gently when Cinderalla faced some down time in winning the Prince's heart......Gosh, I even cried when they were finally together, ever after.....

sigh.....I know it sound sooooo cheesy, but I just couldn't help it...

Maybe it's the pregnancy hormone, or some other things that made me soooo emotionally hung up now...(hint: yes, it's the other things, the pregnancy hormone excuse was just a smokescreen hohoho)


Here's another song that has that tear-gas effect on me.......I especially love Bette Midler's version........

Notakaki :
This is a song that I will always attribute to my parents (May Allah rest their souls), and now, it's a song that reminds me of my boys.......

"Wind Beneath My Wings"

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way.
You always walked a step behind.

So I was the one with all the glory,
while you were the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a name for so long.
A beautiful smile to hide the pain.

Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Oh, the wind beneath my wings.
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.

Fly, fly, fly high against the sky,
so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you, thank you,
thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.

OK now I want to crawl back into my cave, and brood.........yeah, I'm a cave woman after!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Killing Me Softly

I just love the song, especially the title. Somehow, it is so poetic and sinister at the same time, to be able to say words like that in one sentence.


So romantic (?) and scarry and gruesome.

Just like Shakespeare's dramas....

Yeah, what could be more poetic and sinister than that ?

Enjoy this. And I happened to love The Fugees remix than the original version.

Yeah, so shoot me and end my misery.

Monday, May 17, 2010

To Sir, With Love

Yesterday was May 16th. In Malaysia, May 16th is gazetted as the Teachers' Day. Here's some fact about why 16th May was chosen to celebrate all teachers in Malaysia. I got this from my best friend, Mr Wiki (yeah, where else ?)

This date was chosen because on the same day in 1956, the Federal Legislative Council of the Federation of Malaya endorsed the Razak Report, one of four reports of the Education Committee regarding education in Malaysia. The document, known as the Razak Report after Tun Abdul Razak who was Education Minister at the time, became the basis of education in Malaysia ever since. Although it is not an official school holiday, celebrations are usually held on May 16, or earlier, if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

Remember that information. You might need that say, if you are stuck with a RM1 million question if you enter the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire question, or whatever.

So now you know it. See, my blog is very informative, entertaining and witty all in one ! Yeah, you are free to puke and vomit. Just don't do it on your laptops. I won't be held responsible for that poor accident.

Now back to topic, please. It's about Teachers' Day. And talking about that, well, no words are enough to convey the gratitude that I have for all of my teachers who had entered my poor, insignificant life. And I got misty eyed and blurred visions and congested nose. Heck, no, I'm not down with the flu! (rolls eyes)

To all the teachers out there, this song is for you.

To Sir, With Love
Those schoolgirl days
Of telling tales and biting nails are gone
But in my mind
I know that they will still live on and on
But how do you thank someone
Who has taken you from crayons to perfume
It isn't easy, but I'll try

If you wanted the sky, I would write across the sky in letters
That would soar a thousand feet high
To Sir, with love

The time has come
For closing books and long last looks must end
And as I leave
I know that I am leaving my best friend
A friend who taught me right from wrong
And weak from strong, that's a lot to learn
What, what can I give you in return

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start
But I would rather you let me give my heart
To Sir, with love

If you wanted the world, I'd surround it with a wall, I'd scrawl
These words with letters ten feet tall
To Sir, with love

And this is a special dedication to my former English teacher, Mr Amri Abdullah...thank you sir....

p/s: hari ini aku layan mood jiwang....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spesel Edisyeng : A Tribute To AhkakBatiks....

Ni aku nak habaq mai...aku baru jer balik dari kampung Teddy kat Ostolia nuunnn...errr sekadar pengetahuan am ekk, kampung Teddy di Ostolia tu bernama Jerantut...Aborigines pun ramai kat sanun heh heh....miker cari la Jerantut kat peta Ostolia nuh ekk.....

Anyway, ni baru sampai dari Ostolia tu lerrr...sampai2 aku terus terkam laptop, klik kat blog aku untuk hasilkan nukilan tribute ini....sebabnya...tadi aku tengok kalendar, dan aku baru perasan yg hari ni dah doblas haribulan....ertinya...maknanya....natijahnya....aku cuma ada kurang dari 2 minggu untuk beramas mesra dengan jeranku yang kurang vogeh sikit dari aku tu...sekonyong-konyong....aku terus dirasuk kepiluan yang mendalam lagi mencengkam kalbu...huhuhu....(errr lam hati ai pun ada taman jugok tawwww)

Ramai gak member2 aku yang tertanya2....siapakah gerangan ahkakbatik ini ? Adakah dia wanita vogeh ? Jelita ? Berketrampilan ? Berkarisma ? Anggun bergaya ? Bijak pandai ? Berhati molia ? Jawapangku...ya...semua kenyataan di atas adalah benar....tiada apa selain benar...tapi of course lah aku lagi vogeh dari dia...lagi jelita, lagi anggun, bijak pandai etc etc....heh heh ini blog ai OK, so selaku moderator dan admin blog ini maka ai boleh jer buat stetmen penuh perasaan dan syok sendiri sebegitu...heh heh

Dan ramai jugak yang tertanya-tanya (errr ramai ke ??? hahaha)...camana aku leh kenal dengan ahkakbatik ? Hosmet lama ke ? Member masa kat U ke ? Kawan tempat kerja lama ke ? Room mate masa kat Pusat Serenti ke ? (choiiii aku manader pernah masuk pusat serenti!)...Dan kali kenali dia melalui hasil diskusi intelek tahap tinggi di salah sebuah forum high end (hahaha). Senang cerita, aku kenal ngan dia melalui internet lerrr...penat2 duk bergaduh kat porum...tetiba dapat tahu yg aku dengan dia sebenonya duduk dekat2....heh lepas tu terus la jumpa...lepas jumpa leh ngam pulok.....

Dan dia pun banyak gak tolong aku...esp dalam bab menyupir nih....pastu kadang2 bila tenet mampoih kat umah aku pong aku tanpa segan silu pi bertenet kat saiber kafe dia.....tenkiu ahkakbatik...jasamu dikenang.....bab menganyam ketupat tuk sah citer la....penuh berseni sungguh hasil anyaman ketupat kami heh heh.....

Pastu anak2 aku pun leh ngam ngan anak2 dia (heh heh aku masih hingin nak berbesan dengan ko Batik...hengat...aku tak penah nak offer set kundan utk ko....setakat buah kundang tu no hal lah)...setakat pi sepahkan umah dia tu, anak2 aku sambil pejam mata jer boleh buat....heh heh....

Maka aku titipkan nukilan ini sebagai satu bentuk dan bukti perlambangan penghargaan dan tributasi kepada beliau...lepas ni, lepas 26 May ni...ahkakbatik akan terbang ke Amareka Sharekat....menemani suaminya mencari rejeki...maka aku terkontang kanting lah di sini.......owh shahdunya ku rasakan.........tiada lagi sesi makan2 sambil menganyam ketupat...

Ku doakan agar ahkakbatik sekelorga akan sentiasa dilindungi Allah walau di mana mereka berada....dan moga berjaya.....

(hu hu aku dah terlalu sebak nih....aku kena stop kat sini sebab nak sedut hinguih....srotttttt srotttttt)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Labor Day, 2005

Kali ni aku nak bercerita tentang Labor Day. Umumnya kita tahu yang Labor Day, atau sambutan hari pekerja adalah satu hari cuti kepada semua pekerja di seantero donia, yang merupakan satu perkara yg dicetuskan oleh pergerakan kesatuan pekerja/labor's union untuk meraikan pencapaian ekonomi dan sosial para pekerja.

Selain dari nama komersialnya iaitu Labor Day, atau Labour Day, ianya juga turut dikenali sebagai May Day. Dan biasanya ia disambut pada setiap 1 May.

So apa signifikan nya Labor Day dengan aku ? Kut dulu2 iyelah, aku kan pekerja cemerlang...sekarang ni aku dah naik taraf jadi profesional homemaker, so aku dah takde kaitan dengan nama buruh2 nih (heh heh stetment berlagak tahap dewa)....

Tapi ada signifikannya....

Pada tahun 2005....sehari selepas Labor Day...aku masuk labor room...ketuban pecah kol 9, pastu terus pi spital private, selang sebelah jer dari umah aku, tapi still pegi naik keta la...masuk bilik, doktor kata dah 6 cm dilated, so terus masuk Labor room...n selamat bersalin kul 11 malam....easy weasy...almost touch n go....

Here's my prize....

Ladies and gentlemen....intoducing Mr Aiman Hakim...

at 3.4kg baby boy !!!! yay !!!!

Sleeping like an angel....

at 11 months

Hakim turned 5 years old on 2nd May 2010...

Happy Birthday, my dear prince...and many happy returns......

Monday, May 3, 2010

Salam Taj Mahal...

Mubarak ho...

Kali ini aku membawa salam dari Taj Mahal. Di bumi kelahiran Shah Jehan, yang memanifestasikan agung cintanya pada Mumtaz, dengan pembinaan Taj Mahal. Seseungguhnya, inilah perlambangan agungnya cinta seorang suami pada isterinya....

Dan Taj Mahal juga menyaksikan perlambangan cinta agung antara aku dan Teddy....berada di Taj Mahal, kami sama2 menobatkan cinta kami...sesuci embun pagi, sehangat mentari....

heh heh...leh caya ke aku ada kat Taj Mahal????

I'm trolling you, dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The truth is, umah aku takdak koneksi internet dari minggu lepas. Punyalah boring duk kat umah tanpa internet, aku rasa macam duk kat Uganda lak. Itu lah, sejujurnya, aku nak buat tajuk entry aku as Salam Dari Uganda...errr tapi bila pikir2 macam tak komer-sial lak nama Uganda tu kannn....heh heh so aku cepat2 tukau, jadi Taj Mahal...ada unsur2 romantism skit heh heh...

So kenapa umah aku tiada koneksi internet ? Huh...sebab Teddy la...hari Selasa lepas, aku dah perasan yg internet mampoih. Berhempas pulas aku troubleshoot problem. Siap bypass 3G wireless router, n connect direct ke laptop comel aku nih, tapi sama gak...pastu godek laptop lak, takut2 la wireless card dia kaput ka hapa ka...arghhh macam2 la aku buat...tapi hasilnya sama gak. Akub try gak nak tompang wireless jeran2 aku...bila scan wireless connection, macam2 namo ada....tanpa segan silu aku try la tompang.....tapi .....huh hampeshhhh...depa enable aku takleh jadi penumpang tenet secara haram !!! choi kudukut punya jeran !!!!!!!

Bila Teddy balik, aku tanya la case la kut2 ada bil tertunggak ke hapa ke...ek elehhhh...dengan konpidennya dia kata tadak tunggakan...bil dia dah bayo awal!

Hari Rabu sama gak, still aku pi lepak umah jeran....Hari Khomis aku dah tunjuk2 moncong2 kat Teddy...dia kata OK lah nanti dia check....dia troubleshoot...sama gak resultnya...pastu aku call meksis...huh...depa kata ada outstanding bill 70 hingget ! choiiiii....hengatkan tujuh ratus ko !

Aku pun bantai Teddy. Menchik ai! Sib baik aku lom sempat maki orang meksis lagi...dia lak duk konpiden dah bayo....ari tu dia buat online payment sekaligus ngan bil air, letrik etc etc katanya...
aku rasa dia ter overlooked nak bayo bil broadband nehhh...iyolah bayo banyak2 bil sekaligus...kut2 ado la yg tertinggal gamaknya....

anyway....setelah aku tarik muka dia pun bayo la...bayo hari Jemahat...hari sabtu coti, labour day...hari Ahad lak weekend.....hari ni baru la OK......sigh...............wasted 2 hari lagi aku stranded di uganda...hampeh....

Dari last week, aku terpaksa main Freecell ngan solitaire untuk mengubat kebosanan...pastu tengok tibi...itu pun aku terpaksa berhempas pulas bergaduh ngan CikMan utk rebut hak ekslusif tengok citer aku...kalau aku malas gaduh, aku layan la tengok Special Agent Oso, Shaun The Sheep, Handy Manny dan macam2 lagi la citer kat Playhouse Disney....warghhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, bye-bye Freecell game, bye-bye Oso, Pocoyo etc etc.....

I came back from Uganda, and it sure feels good !

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mari Bernasyid!!!!!

Untuk entri kali ini aku nak ajak korang layan nasyid. Jangan asik2 nak hip hop la rock kapak la blues la....ha yang suka nengok So You Think You Can Dance tu pun insap lah weihhhhhhhhhhh !!!! Takde pekdah...benda lagha sumer tuhhhh....(hahaha aku nampak Kak Tek menghembus napas dengan geram) hehehe....jangan mare....

Rilek...meh kita layan nasyid. Ready ? OK, berbaris, buat dua barisan. Kedua-dua tangan di hadapan badan, sekitar area perut (psst, perut tu jangan lupa tuck in OK!), genggam kedua tangan anda, tangan kanan di atas tangan kiri, dan posisikan kedua tangan di bahagian sebelah kiri perut. Dah siap ? OK...and one, and two, and one two three four!

Sepohon Kayu (Saujana)

Sepohon kayu daunnya rimbun
Lebat bunganya serta buahnya
Walaupun hidup seribu tahun
Kalau tak sembahyang apa gunanya
Walaupun hidup seribu tahun
Kalau tak sembahyang apa gunanya

Kami berkerja sehari-hari
Untuk belanja rumah sendiri
Supaya Allah menjadi sayang
Kami berkerja hatilah riang
Supaya Allah menjadi sayang
Kami berkerja hatilah riang

( ulang 1 )

Kami sembahyang fardhu sembahyang
Sunat pun ada bukan sebarang
Hidup di kubur yatim piatu
Tinggallah seorang dipukul dipalu
Hidup di kubur yatim piatu
Tinggallah seorang dipukul dipalu

( ulang 1 )

Dipukul dipalu sehari-hari
Barulah ia sedarkan diri
Hidup di dunia tiada bererti
Akhirat di sana sangatlah rugi
Hidup di dunia tiada bererti
Akhirat di sana sangatlah rugi

( ulang 1 )

So kenapa aku ghairah nak bernasyid nih ? Nak buat group nasyid kaum ibu ke ? Tidak. Group nasyid kaum bapa ? Huh, bukan jugak.

Sebenonye, aku tengah ajar anak aku semayang...hehehe sepatutnya sebelum masuk umur 7 tahun dah ajar, tapi aku pun lupa lah...bizi ngan tenet....

But kata omputeh, better late than never...ala, Hafiz pun baru 7 tahun 2 bulan.....aku dulu pun darjah 3 kut baru la stat semayang.....heh heh...

So sekarang Hafiz giat belajo baca Fatihah etc etc...masa mula2 baca Ya Rabbi...kerasnya lidah dia!!!!!!!! Al-maklumlah, dia belajar Iqra 3, lom masuk surah...Iqra' ni pulak berbeza dari Muqaddam....Iqra' nak mantapkan dari segi bacaan dan ejaan, biar pelajar betul2 paham esp tang panjang/pendek sebutan, so lambat la sikit...

Aku dulu belajo Muqaddam, tang mengeja tu kejap jer...pastu terus baca...tapi panjang/pendek tu hentam ajer la...bila dah lama baru la paham...

Itu belum masuk bab tajwid, idgham, wakaf etc etc...

Errrrr bab tu korang jangan tanya aku la weihhhh...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My 7 year old took LINUX test ??? wow

My eldest otomen came back from school yesterday with his test results. Here's the score:-

Mathematics : 78%
BM Penulisan : 80%
BM Kefahaman : 63%
Agama Islam : 65% (euuwww, malu!)

The rest of the results are yet to be known. Well, he is just 7 years old, and it was just a monthly test, so I shrugged off the results. OK per...not like he is taking UPSR or whatever...

Wait a minute. Below the test results, there's a letter from school. So I read that letter, uninterestedly at first, but when I read through the whole letter, it felt like I had a heart attack. The letter is telling me that my otomen will be transfered to another class, as he did not pass the LINUS saringan test.

And I was like, wtf, LINUX ? Why in the world should a seven year old took a LINUX test ? Oh, for the ignoramus, LINUX is a UNIX-like operating system, which was developed thanks to the open source system. Difficulty level in LINUX ? Like cracking your heads against the wall -lah. That's how difficult Linux is. So why did my seven year old boy took a Linux test ?'s not Linux's Linus. eyes....

And what does Linus stands for ? It's the elegant Literasi & Numerasi test. Owh. But I still don't know head or tails about Linus. So I asked my best friend Mr G. When I typed LINUS, Mr G gave me 9,020,000 hits. The first page is mostly about Linus Torvalds, a Finnish software engineer, who is by the way, the very person who initiated the Linux kernel, and from which the Linux name in IT world was coined from.

But I persevered, and after a few pages, I stumbled across Linus program as introduced by Malaysian Ministry of Education, which kicks of in year 2010. Oh wow, it has just begun. I had also stumbled across some blogs, most of which are angry parents whose children was unlucky enough to not pass the Linus test, and be forced to join the rehab class. Oh yes, it's a rehab class for those kids who didn't pass the Linus test. In bahasa, it's the dreaded kelas pemulihan.

And again, I muttered some expletives. Kelas Pemulihan ? WTF ? My boy can read, spell and do simple maths, he is just in standard one, and it is just March for crying out loud, why should he enter kelas pemulihan ? And so I researched some more. Here's what I found about Linus.

Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) ingin merujuk kepada SMS “BUNGAJAMBUL:BHA19471” dalam ruangan SMS dalam akhbar Berita Harian bertarikh 25 Februari 2010 – ‘Pengenalan Program Linus dalam Tahun Satu hanya akan menjadikan kurikulum tahun satu semakin bercelaru’.

Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas keprihatinan tuan tentang pelaksanaan program Literasi dan Numerasi (LINUS) Tahun Satu. Program LINUS merupakan salah satu daripada National Key Result Area (NKRA’s) Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Melalui program ini, kementerian telah menyasarkan bahawa semua murid yang tiada masalah pembelajaran berupaya menguasai kemahiran membaca, menulis dan mengira selepas mengikuti pendidikan tiga tahun di peringkat rendah pada akhir tahun 2012.

Program ini dilaksanakan pada tahun 2010, melibatkan murid Tahun Satu di sekolah rendah yang merupakan kohort pertama mengikuti program ini. Semua murid Tahun Satu akan menduduki ujian LINUS Saringan 1 pada awal tahun untuk menilai tahap penguasaan kemahiran asas literasi dan numerasi mereka. Murid yang dikenal pasti masih belum mencapai kemahiran asas literasi dan numerasi, akan diasingkan daripada murid arus perdana (dalam kumpulan tidak melebihi 30 orang). Mereka akan diajar insentif oleh guru LINUS (guru Bahasa Malaysia dan guru Matematik Tahap 1) serta dibantu oleh guru pemulihan khas LINUS dan dilaksanakan dalam waktu Bahasa Malaysia dan waktu Matematik mengikut peruntukan waktu sedia ada. Murid yang berjaya dipulihkan melalui program ini, akan meneruskan pembelajaran di aliran perdana.

Pihak Kementerian Pelajaran telah merancang beberapa strategi untuk memastikan program LINUS ini dilaksanakan dengan baik dan tidak membebankan pihak sekolah. Antaranya memberi latihan khusus kepada guru LINUS dalam teknik pemulihan dan bimbingan untuk membantu murid yang mempunyai masalah literasi dan numerasi, menyediakan modul pengajaran dan pembelajaran asas literasi dan numerasi yang sesuai dengan tahap kebolehan murid, penambahan guru pemulihan khas, melaksanakan program kesedaran tentang pentingnya asas membaca, menulis dan mengira dalam kalangan warga sekolah dan komuniti, menjalankan pemantauan, penyeliaan dan penilaian serta menempatkan fasilitator LINUS di setiap Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah untuk membantu guru bagi memastikan program ini berkesan dan mencapai matlamatnya.

Diharap penjelasan dan penerangan ini boleh mengatasi keraguan tuan tentang pelaksanaan program ini.

Unit Komunikasi Korporat
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.


Well, it is still not enough to pacify me. So I called ahkakbatik for some taxi cum nanny service (heh heh jangan marah, nanti ko pi US takde dah orang nak nyusahkan ko lagi!), and she was kind enough to oblige me. And so we went to the school. I was lucky enough that Hafiz's classroom teacher was in the Teacher's Lounge (damn, I made it sound so elegant, kan?), and armed with Hafiz's test results papers, I bombarded her with questions.

Puan Syahidah was kind enough to listen to my grumbles, and then when I took out the test papers, she kindly told me that the Linus test result did not come from the test papers that I brought. I froze. WTF ? Was there another test that I am not aware of ? Yes, she told me. There was a separate test for Linus, in which the student took the test, and the teachers keyed in the data (as collected from students' answer) to the computer, who analyzed the answers, and decided if the student pass the test and should join the mainstream class (meaning normal classes) or failed the Linus test, and should join the rehab classes.

And to console me, Puan Syahidah told me that there are even students with excellent test results who failed Linus test and be forced to join the rehab class. And there's another repeat test in June, in which if my boy pass the test, he can join the mainstream class. And if not, well...I hope that my boy will find his way out....


Monday, March 8, 2010

Chef Diva Malasssss...

Heh heh...minggu ni aku extra malas...bak kata tagline HotFM...lebih MALAS dari biasa...

Tapi bukanlah bermaksud yang aku hanya makan tido aje...aku aktif join forum merangkap mesorat tingkap versi virtual...tengok tibi pun rajin...makan lagi la...tapi entah mengapa aku malas beno nak hapdet blog...bak kata Carlo the final contestant dalam The Biggest Loser Asia...maybe I had hit the plateau...owh Carlo ko sungguh ensem sekali.....

Erk! Fokus fokussssss....

Entry aku kali ini ialah tentang febret subjek aku...iaitu makan....

Alkisahnya, last week 6 March ialah tarikh keramat bagi Teddy...tu lah tarikh besday dia...petang sebelumnya aku dah buat mabeles chocolate cake yg sangat gorjes lagi delisyes (kalau la cikgu English aku tengok aku mencabul ejaan bahasa Inggeris nih mau pengsan 40 ari)...tapi Teddy balik lambat....kul 10 malam baru sampai that time, kek yg mabeles, gorjes lagi delisyes itu dah tinggal separuh dah....otomen aku la belasah...heh gamba takde la ekk...use your imagination OK....

Maka 6 March tu terpaksa lah aku berkungfu kat kitchen...kek tu kira tak sah...choiiiiiii....


Inilah hasilnya...aku masak Roast lamb chop with side dish of steamed broccoli and baby carrots, pastu ada mashed potato, buttered rice and veggie salad medley....

Erk!!!! Aku lupa lah nak letak lamb chop tu ateh pinggan Royal Doulton aku yg aku beli ngan harga RM2ribu satu set tuh....heh heh use your imagination OK!!!!

CikMan yang kekenyangan...

Sekian...aku nak sambung mood malas....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ratapan Pilu Nan Syahdu : Trauma Satu Kehilangan

Puhhhh...tajuk...jiwang tahap dewa! hikssss....

Dah seminggu aku tak hapdet blog. Semuanya kerana aku terlalu sibuk. Sibuk dengan aktiviti forum NGO.(Cheh, mula la prasan macam somebody important). Forum NGO tu sebenonya cumalah forum di alam virtual aje, tempat aku bersidai, bergosip sambil berdebat secara ilmiah dan menjana minda dengan diskusi yang begitu menganjakkan paradigma. Eerrrr....apa aku cakap ntah....

Yang sebenarnya, aku malas. Kan senang kan. Short, simple and straighforward jer alasannya.

Berbalik pada tajuk, setelah dikejutkan dengan berita kematian tragis adik Syafia, dan setelah aku memuntahkan laharan dan kutukan sepanas lava, sehebat ledakan Krakatoa di atas kekejaman pembunuh (and her mother, shame on her for letting this happened to her own child), aku dikejutkan pula dengan tragedi kehilangan di rumahku sendiri...

Inilah mangsa yang hilang. Hewan peliharaan dalam mini zoo kat rumah aku, iaitu Mr Rabbit (or Miss, ntah, aku tak pernah check apa jantina dia ni). Aku pelik macam mana Rabbit boleh hilang, padahal kitorang kasi dia duduk dalam apartment mewah (choiss). OK la, Rabbit nih duduk dalam cage dia, yg kalau ikutkan logik memang tak boleh terbukak sendiri.

Tapi that was what happen. Pagi itu, aku bangun lambat, sebab malamnya aku ada aktiviti qiamullail dan tadarus sampai ke pagi. OK you got me. Tipu lah. Malam tu aku tido lambat sebab layan Slumdog Millionaire. Ingatkan nak tengok sikit jer, tapi sebab citer tu beshhhhh sangat, maka tanpa aku sadari, aku tengok sampai habih, siap tunggu movie credits kalau makan ni ibaratnya hingga menjilat pinggan la nih...heh heh...

Anyway, pagi itu...pagi yang malang (atau happy!) itu, ketika aku membuka pintu rumah, aku perasan yg cage Rabbit terbuka, dan Rabbit tiada dalam cage nya itu. Aku pun terus suruh anak-anak aku membuat pengumuman penting kepada tuan punya mini zoo, iaitu laki aku Mr Teddy. Maka terkocoh-kocoh lah zoo keeper tu bangun, lalu mencari di sekitar neighborhood aku. Hampagas. Rabbit tiada.

Maka aku pun tunjuk concern, dan lakonan mantap tahap first class pun bermula! Siap aku pegi dekat cage, buat siasatan ala2 CSI macamana cage boleh terbukak sendiri...tang ni betul naa...aku bukak2 pintu jer tengok2 cage Rabbit dah terbukak luas....

Heh heh...Padahal dalam hatiku berbunga riang.....inilah nyanyian di dalam qalbu ku saat itu....

Yandre yiba yibaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!
Yennaporinggeyyyyyy amma!!!! silap lagu....

Sebenarnya....walaupun aku sedih jugak lah atas kehilangan Rabbit itu (iyelah, masa dia ada, mana2 sayur yg aku tak habih masak tu aku letgo kat Rabbit la...kira Rabbit ni ibarat waste disposal aku la)...namun...aku tatap gumbira more Rabbit poops in my yard!!!!

Heh heh....Rabbit ni makan banyak gila...kalau aku kasi carrot, kejap jer habih la...pastu pantang nampak aku keluar rumah, musti Rabbit nih akan panjat2 cage dia...mintak carrot lagi la tuuuu...hehehe cute kan?

Tapi yg aku tak tahan...dia ni nampak jer kecik, tapi kerjanya asik2 poop aje....bertaburan lah di sekitar kawasan rumah aku dengan 'hasil nukilan' masterpiece Rabbit nih....sib baik la bau dia kira tak la busuk sangat, tapi aku still geli la weiiii....banyak beno pellets Rabbit nih...Zoo keeper yakni Inchek Teddy pulak 2-3 hari sekali baru la terhegeh-hegeh nak cuci toilet dia (tang ni aku dah sain kontrak disclaimer awal2, I'm not touching the poops hokkay!)...

Anyway...bubye Rabbit...we'll miss you, but it's OK...have fun out there!!!!!!

Hasta la vista bebeh...

Sekian ratapan pilu yang tak syahdu langsung pada malam ini....