Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Journal About Falling In Love

Here's the truth. I'm fallin in love again.

Yeah. Truthfully, completely, head over heels in love.

It's the fourth time that I fell in love, the fourth time that I feel a love so deep and profound.

A love without condition, border-less, to infinity and beyond, to eternity...forever...

A love so beautiful, so meaningful....

First encounter with love:

Hafiz, @14th Feb 2003

Second love

Hakim, @ 2May 2005

Third encounter with love

Abdul Rahman, @17th August 2007
(note : aku baru prasan yg aku takde gambo baby CikMan...sorry!)

And my current squeeze:

Yusoff Solehuddin, @1st September 2010

I wonder what is it about newborn babies that call upon such a great, profound feelings of love and protection?

I mean, newborn babies don't do much, except sleep, poop, pee and breastfeed like there's no tomorrow. And yet you want to protect them with your own life. And even if they don't do much except cry, you still want to kiss their sweet, heavenly smell and gaze at them for hours on end, and make conversation with them with your silly baby-voice....

And even if you are deprived of your precious beauty sleep because the baby keeps you awake at night, you love them still, and smile sweetly at your little bundle of joy who wakes you up at 3am in the morning...


Enough with blogging...I want to gaze at my baby...

Psstt : Entry kali ini adalah bertujuan untuk men-'saiko' ahkakbatik, Puan Banana dan pembaca lain blog aku supaya jeles dan rendu dengan bau baby jugak, lalu tawun depan mereka juga bakal jadi mak buyung !!! heh heh


  1. he he he

    i know that feeling.. such serene feeling.

    kalau atok eh tak stopped me dulu tu.. den beranak layi sampai dapat ompek anak lelaki.

    one son each at every corner.. to carry me to my place kembali kepadaNya.

    alhamdulillah DH.. you got 4!

  2. ya betul Otai....

    I got 4 boys, so Insya Allah dah cukup la 4 pengusung keranda...hehehe

    errr tetiba rasa sayu lakss....

  3. aku ada 3 anak laki, satu menantu laki...cukup panjang umuq, aku ado patploh pat cucu...


  4. amin....

    psst kaktek tak teringin ke nak dengo tangisan suara bayi di dinihari ???
    atau...mencium harumnya bau bayi baru lahir ????

    siok woooo wa cakap luuuuuuuuuuu !!!!

    kasi up la lagi...leh dapat US citizenship pulok sorang ! heh heh

  5. heeek... kalo ko kasik aku 2jota buat besaukan ladang aku baru aku pertimbangkan...

  6. woihhh ladang2 ngan juta2 jgn sebut weiihhh..kat mesia sekarang nih sensitippp wooo ...

    ps : kes sosilawati

  7. woooo... rezeki daimen dpt otomen lg ya. Congrats daimen!!

