Monday, October 26, 2009

Metamorphosis...saat bersalin kulit....

Some said that love is the most important thing in the universe, that they could not live without love. And there are others who claimed that that love is a cliché, and that love is also the most overrated subject, ever.

Whatever it is, I think love is important enough, and that is why I chose a love/romance genre for my very first novel. I think that love is very subjective, and the subject range for love is very very wide, perhaps reaching infinity. You love your parents, your spouses, your kids, your siblings, your friends, your pets etc etc. And then you love your belongings, your cars, your houses, your jewelries etc etc.

And perhaps there is no right equipment to gauge how deep is your love, hence the quotations my love is as deep as the deep blue sea, that I love you till the moon don’t shine and the sea runs dry, bla la bla…

And then there are some infamous people associated with love epics. The stories of Romeo and Juliet, Layla and Majnun are classic fairytales of the tragedies of love. And then there was this immortal quote –all is fair in love and war…such were the power of love.

Wait. Tunggu. Kenapa aku menceceh dalam bahasa Inggeris ? Well…sejujurnya, aku tiada idea untuk update blog…jadi aku tulis saja apa yang terlintas dalam kepala. Dan se lepas itu aku terlalu malas untuk delete apa yang aku dah tulis, jadi aku biarkan saja...

Niat asalku, blog ini akan jadi blog dewan bahasa dan pustaka di mana keharmonian bahasa dan kesusilaan perilaku menjadi unsur utama blog aku…haiyyaaa…cannot lehhhh… aku rasa tersekat, terkongkong, depresi,opresi yang menyebabkan aku tak update blog. Betul, rasa bagaikan bernafas dalam lumpur...errr tapi aku tak pernah ada pengalaman bernafas dalam lumpur...bernafas di Kuala Lumpur selalu la....

Fikir punya fikir, OK…I just want to be myself…and this is me…be ready for some roller coaster rides, tighten your seat belts, fellas!

1 comment:

  1. eekkk... tak boleh tak boleh puan penulis... kang publisher tak luluskan... dewan bahse komplen.... aku je leh merapu... kalau ko merapu gak maknanya aku pun leh publish novel... (dengki nak mamposss!!)
