From Wikipedia:
Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, informally known as "tweets".
Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July. Twitter rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 300 million users as of 2011,[6] generating over 300 million tweets and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day.[3][8][9] It is sometimes described as "the SMS of the Internet."[10]
It is also the 'IN' thing now. Many celebrities joined Twitter and 'tweeted' their activities there. Cool.
I have a Twitter account, but I rarely ever log into that account. And I have yet to send in my very first 'TWEET', whatever that means. Maybe I'm a shy, exotic kind of bird. And so I don't tweet. Or maybe some big, mangy cat has gotten my Tweety bird's tongue and so I can't tweet anymore!
So you can say that I'm a virgin when it come to Tweeter. Yeah right!!!!
The truth is, I don't know how to tweet, or what to tweet on Twitter. And I don't know 'who' to follow on the Tweeter. I don't really understand how the Twitter works. For record, at the moment I am following Dato Siti Norhaliza's tweets, and believe it or not, I also followed His Royal Highness The Crown Prince of Johore's tweets.
Don't ask me why am I following a celebrity and a royal blue blood on the Tweeter. I just don't know, and when Tweeter was kind enough to suggest that I followed those two people, I just clicked yes, thank you very much, and voila! I am their faithful followers.
But overall, I think that Twitter is a cool social network.
But I have another kind if Twitter networks, and these guys are really awesome!
Here are my ALIVE Twitters :-
Merbuk, anyone ????
Yep they are fat, but boy, these fatsos can really sing!
A blue Lovebird/Kenari Biru.
I got one pair of Kenari, their names are Blue and another one is called Green.
*If you look closely, you'll notice that Green is hiding behind Blue. See the tips of Green near Blue's tail there ?*
My precious Serindit (right), and Green the Kenari (left). Another Serindit escaped my camera.
And I'm green with jealousy for their beauties.
The last of my Twitter : My quails family. There are 7 of them altogether.
Their eggs are yummy!
OK now I know what to tweet on my tweeter already! Perhaps I would tweet the pictures of my gorgeous birdies, and who knows if the HRH The Crown Prince would buy those twitters, for thousand and thousand of ringgits, maybe ? Oh Gosh my eyeballs are sooo full of the $$$ signs right now so I need to stop at this.
Anybody knows if the Sultan of Brunei is on the Twitter ? Or Facebook ??????
mmmm....he is soooooooo yummy looking!