Wednesday, May 9, 2012

OK So Who Wants To See The Pics of Some NUDE Hot Chicks Please Raise Your Hands!

 OK that's fifty one, no, fifty two, no ninety nine, no...gazillion gazillion numbers to infinity!

Oyyy...what a response!

I could swear that my traffic counter is running frantically like there's no tomorrow there....and still counting!

Oh naughty, naughty you,
Shame on you!
If I am anywhere near you
I would be spanking you black and blue!

(gasp! and it RHYMES!!!!!! OhMyGod!)

What is it about nude chicks pictures that made men swoon and salivate, like they simply lost control of their exocrine glands (yep, that's the gland that control your saliva), and their heart beat wildly like they had been chased by one thousand demons?

Salivating Man
                                          Gray's Anatomy 101 : Our Salivary Glands

A offense sir, but yours is the kind of face that I wouldn't wish to meet ! But the sight of you could really quicken my heartbeat. And the same thing happens whenever I looked at handsome men. Well I guess that makes you and all handsome men are equal then...

I mean, sheeesh! It's just a body, an anatomy for crying out loud!  What? Stay focused on my subject ? Oh.

OK so here goes...the pictures that I had painstakingly snapped of my beautiful, naked hot chicks skinny dipping in their bath tub...

Angelina (Jolie) jumped into the tub, while Prince Henry looked at her longingly.

'Oohhhh this feels sooo good! Where's my rubber duckie ?', said Angie.

Angelina's clumsy exit out of the tub.

His Royal Highness Prince Henry's royal dunk, watched by Christina (Aguilera)

' Errr Your Highness, your time is up!', said Christina, not known for her patience.

                                               My Gorgeous Hot Chicks Having Bath

What ? Not satisfied ? You were thinking of other kinds of nude hot chicks ? The two legged kind?

Get out of here! 

I gotcha, didn't I ?????? hahahahahahahaha

OK cook me!



  1. Hi Razzlina, ha ha ha, cannot help laughing at your always lively humour. Holy Smoke! Don't tell me one going into the cooking pot?
    Love the pics, you've captured their antics well, with humour too.

    Razzlina, have a drink of coffee, then drop by my pondok, have something for you, *wink*.

  2. Uncle Lee!!!!

    OhMyGod I almost choked on my teh tarik looking at your blog header(yep, can't drink coffee, I got a 2 yrs old boy who depended on me for milk supply hahaha)

    Wahhhhh so nice couple lehhhh *green with jealousy* haha

    Thanks for visiting!

  3. Razzlina, when free drop by my pondok....
    Have a nice day.

  4. Sudah pergi to your pondok and I'm luvin' it Uncle Lee !!!!!

    Thank you sir, you make my day!!!

  5. cehhhh rugi kalori aku kelik .. dah arr ai tengah diet ngan hebatnya skang!!! goren itek ko baru tau!!!

  6. Hi Razzlina, just dropped by say hello.
    How you doing? And your randy duckies? Still fooling around? Ha ha ha.
    Have fun.

    1. Hi Uncle Lee,

      wow it's been ages since I visited my own blog, can you believe it ??? been busy slaying some zombies, that's why...OK I'll tell you about it...
