Saturday, August 11, 2012

Breaking The Silence : I'm Addicted! HELP!!!!!!

Wow. It's been  more than two three months since my last update. Can't believe that I had stayed away from my own blog for that long...wowwiee! This is a record indeed!

And since then, Blogger had changed its features, and I was totally lost in the maze of new interfaces and whatnot....sigh...I had to fumble around, made a few wrong turns before I managed to click the right button n voila! yours truly is now at your service, and I will regale you with my tale of what made me celibate myself - well, not that I celibate from sex, but from blog writing that (oh yes this is a joke so please Laugh Out Loud! )

See, there's a good reason why I played truant from my own blog. This is supposed to be a secret, a very, very top secret but I can't hold back anymore. I would explode if I don't tell this for the whole world to know, and I am not ashamed of it. Oh yes, damn right, I won't hide in the closet anymore! I'll tell the whole wide world about my new found love.

Please brace yourself. What would come next might not be pretty. But to hell with it!

Sigh....OK I'll spill the beans....

 I'm now officially a zombie slayer.

Say that again ? Oui, you heard me right. I'm a zombie slayer, and that new tasks kept me away from blogging!

See, what kept me away from blogging for the past two months is that because I am addicted to the X-Box console, playing Plants Versus Zombies game!


Are you shocked ?

Yeah, feels like a whopping 9.8 Richter scale earthquake, did it not?

But that's the truth.

I kept myself glued to my LCD TV and my X-Box console, too busy being a good zombie slayer and fending my lawn from zombie attacks.

   A usual setting for my lawn with zombies swarming in, in search for brains of course!

Which is really ironic, when I came to think more about my latest addiction. (yep, after two months of being a zombie slayer I finally come to my senses. Wheee-ho!). I used to scold and fester my 3 boys a lot for spending too much time on X-Box. But I got hooked to the X-Box after just 1 session of playing the game. It seemed like those zombies got me hooked. Lock, stock and barrel, so to speak.

And I played the game, religiously. Nope, kidding you, I am not! I send my kids to school, and on my way back home after sending them to their school, I got huge adrenaline rush just by thinking of long hours ahead, with me, the X-Box and the Plants vs Zombies games...hell yeah, what a delicious threesome indeed!

And seriously, I don't know why or how I got hooked to that game. I hated the modern X-Box games. You know, the kind that made you feel like it's the real thing, like you are`really holding a gun in your hands, and moving back and forth, turning left and right and ducking and dodging bullets that are flying all around you. I got motion sickness just by looking at my husband playing Call of Duty : The Black Ops, or whatever motion based games that he played.

It's nice of those zombies to drop me a note, warning me about their intention to attack on my lawn!

But nope, I don't have to worry about that with the zombies. It's kind of an old-school game, with some close resemblance to Super Mario Brothers (ah yes, I played those games too, wayyyyy back in my teens!). In Plants Versus Zombies games, the goal is simple. Zombies are invading your neighborhood, and will launch various attacks to enter your home and eat your brain. So you must do whatever it takes to protect your brain. Simple, right ?

So what are the weapons ? Go check the name of the game again. It's Plants Vs Zombies, so damn right, the plants are your weapons. I mean, how cool it would be to have sweet, lovely plants as your weapons? You can plant sweet green peas, snow peas, angry jalapenos etc etc, all firing bullets or bombs to those zombies. Talk about childish game ! Yeah, I think that I am revisiting my childhood again!

So what the hell am I doing here, sweating bullets infront of my laptop and updating my blog when I should be in front of my 40 inch LCD TV with the X-Box console on, guarding my lawn as well as brain from being eaten my those zombies ?

Well....for once, I am fully cured from my addiction. For the last few weeks days, I am finally able to start and end my days without drooling and salivating whenever my eyes caught the X-Box console. I am able to simply watch television with both of my arms and my 10 fingers resting nicely, instead of having my knuckles and my fingers rapidly twitching and fidgeting up and down (yep, picture me holding and craddling the X-Box joystick fro the  heavenly joyride to nowhere!). And yep, I am finally able have days with peace and quiet, without having to fight for X-Box time with my kids and husband ....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....pure bliss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeayyyyy !!!! After successfully guarding my lawn and defeating those zombies, I am rewarded with a cool video clip of zombies dancing together!


Such an addiction, and look at me now! All healthy and strong and able to break from that nasty addiction! Yeah I am such a living wonder,a woman of substance with such a strong willpower.....right ?????


Now if only that darn CD is not broken.....-yeah, I am able to break from the X Box because the Plants vs Zombie CD is finally broken after 3 long months of service...wish that the CD is not broken!!!!

*banging my head on the floor, crying out loud......


  1. Hi Razzlina, hey! Nice see you back! How you doin'? I missed you, your duckies too. How they? Any ducklings?
    Holy Smoke! You fooling around that X-box? Never heard of that game.

    Anyway, here's wishing you the very best of the coming hari raya.
    Have the way, whats the menu like?
    Obviously not ducks, ha ha.
    Keep a song in your heart, have fun.

  2. I LOVE Plants vs Zombies. And HATE it when I've played them all and there's nothing to play anymore. I used to play The Sims.. sampai x tidur malam. Teruk betoi laaa!!!
