Friday, February 24, 2012

Enter The Sleeping Dragon : Blog Hibernation

A Dragon : A Mythical Creature... Pic from the Net

In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight
Hush my darling don't fear my darling the lion sleeps tonight
Hush my darling don't fear my darling the lion sleeps tonight


Oh yes, I love that song, from the great animation movie, The Lion King...

Except that I'm not a lion, but a dragon...or a dragon-ness...whatever that means.

The thing is, I'm a sleeping dragon, hibernating into a deep, deep slumber, lazying myself into nothingness and feeling damn great about it.

Yep, that's exactly how I feel now.

It seems like the new year of the dragon had unleashed a lazy dragon in me. Well, at least for my blog. No, correction, I take that back.

ESPECIALLY for my blog.


I just don't know why but I suddenly lack the mojo to update my blog.

The truth is, I got nothing interesting to share. My life is boring, I'm a chauffeur/chef/nurse for the sicks/a teacher/tutor (especially during exams), a judge/a referee(yeah got lots of judge/referee duties), a house cleaner, a launderer bla bla bla the list goes on.

And yep, I am also a surrogate mom to 17 ducks, 6 birds and 6 quails.

Talk about being a busy dragon!

So that is why I am lacking the time to continuously update my blog.

Yeah rite!

The cold hard truth is, I am too damn lazy to sit in front of my cute little netbook and update my blog.

I might as well go back to my slumber and dream of fire breathing dragons....hmmmmm sounds intriguing!


  1. Hi Razzlina, wow! You a Dragon lady! Incidentally, check out you water, fire, earth or wood dragon. Should be interesting to know.
    I am a kuda, kuda api, ha ha.

    Hows your sexy ducks? They still fooling around? Ha ha.
    Have a niceday.

  2. Hi Razzlina, Holy Smoke! Is that you in profile pic?
    Wow! I repeat satu kali lagi, WOW!
    What I call traffic stopper looks....You sure have real classy look.
    You stay beautiful and have a nice day.

    1. Hi Uncle Lee,

      haha I had just came back from my cuti-cuti Malaysia and I am grinning from ear to ear to read your above comment...yep, that's yours truly in the profice pic, and yes, I think that I can stop traffic, provided that I am wearing that white polis trafik uniform and waving my hands frantically to make those traffic stop haha

      Coming from you that's a very nice compliment indeed, thank you sir... although I personally think that I am 'lawa tiada, manis ada' -borrowing our legendary P.Ramlee's unforgettable line in that movie Labu Labi...

      Anyway, thanks for dropping by and take care!

  3. Hi Razzlina, see! I not joke joke, I datang sekali lagi make sure that is you.
    Yes! You confirmed.
    For the 3rd time, 'WOW! Apa technique or Ninjalogy he pakai to win your hand against I'm sure competitors from far and near? Ha ha.
    Ya, even though your pic is stamp size, can see your sharp features and high cheekbones.
    And not many have this too....
    My compliments to hubby.

    Razzlina, you stay young, stay beautiful.
    Have a nice day.

    1. *Grinning from ear to ear since yesterday!*

      Thank you Uncle Lee, you're the greatest!

  4. Hi Razzlina, would love it if you'll just address me as 'Lee' long no 'A' in front, ha ha ha.
    Been laughing at your previous comment re the 'obats'....really love that comment of yours.....

    Oh ya, I learned long ago about Malay women having damp hair in the mornings, ha ha ha. I was observant.
    And always look forward to your dropping by....
    You make my day, or nights with your always lively thoughts.

    Hows the duckies? Still fooling around? Ha ha.
    Best regards,

    1. Hi Lee (oh la la I dropped the troublesome Uncle! wink wink) also know about the Malay women and damp hair scenarios ? haha...You know, I am the kind of person who always have to wash my hair or wet my hair each time I took my the first few weeks after I got married, my MIL asked me...'kalau mandi memang kena basah rambut ke?' was such a tacky yet fully loaded question...she was probably wondering why is my hair always damp, even in the mornings!

      I guess she initially thought that I am such a nymphomaniac - the 'hari-hari mau' kind of girl hahaha...then I told her lorrrrr...haha it was hilarious...well if it's true, the my MIL would probably think that her son is really really lucky hahahahaha

      Do drop by again sir!

      Take Care

  5. aku cadangkan time malas-malas hapdet blog nih ko pi makan-makan.... makan-makan lagi.... dan makan-makan lagi lagi.... kasik gumuks.
    biar aku sorag je yg slim.

    1. Kak Tek...

      Ko la pi US dah aku takdak geng n port utk makan2 huhuuuuuuuuuuuuu *sambil makan donat 5 ketul tanpa sedar*

  6. legaaaaaa nasib bek bukan aku sorg jer yg maleih ekekekek

    1. Betui la Bananas wehhhhh...aku nak reply blog nih pung malehhhhhh...apola pemaleh bebenor nehh
