Monday, October 3, 2011

9 Beautiful Ladies In My Household, and I'm Not Even Jealous of Them!


There are nine great beautiful ladies living under my roof and I am not jealous nor envious nor threatened by their presence.


Not even an ounce, not even an iota and definitely not even one tiny teeny weeny drop of jealousy or envy that I harbor to those beautiful ladies.

Russia beauty pageant contest, pic from the net

Those nine beauties are so drop dead gorgeous, and they are not at all ashamed to flaunt their assets, out in the open. Well I guess that they are just firm believers in the great saying,


Modesty is not part of their game, and they dared to lie there naked sunbathing in the sun, or skinny dipping in the shallow pond at the far end of my backyard, or frolicking under the warm sun, and I still don't feel troubled by their behaviors.

And I even let my husband go around them, sweet talk to them and even caress their beautiful and gorgeous bodies! And I sometimes even joined my husband and we have an orgy together, watching the nine beauties baring all their assets. Yep, togetherness is the name of the game for me and hubby dearest, and we don't feel kinky at all!

Shocking ?

You haven't hear the worse.

Together with the nine great beauties, we also have 4 handsome hunks in our household. And we encouraged those ladies to befriend the 4 hunks, and even encouraged the friendship to blossom into romance, and we (both my husband and yours truly) shamelessly peeped at how the beauties and the hunks conduct their romance.

Yes, my husband and I shamelessly watched how Britney, Cleopatra, Christina, Michelle, Siti, Diana, Aishwarya, Xi Yi and Nicole conduct their sexual acts with Tom, Brad, Johnny and Keanu.

Revolting, huh ?

Feel disgusted enough ?

What, are my husband and I had somehow morphed into a pair of peeping toms ?

Could this be me, peeping for the 4 handsome hunks?
-pic from the Net-

Is this my hubby pretending to read the paper but peeping at the sexy lady instead?
-Pic from the Net-

Feel free to vomit, but you haven't read the worst.


I must say this out loud that both I and my husband dearest sometimes even took a great pleasure to watch the sexual conducts done by the nine beauties and the 4 hunks! Yeah, talk about kinkiness at the highest level!

And we didn't stop at that.

We even took the eggs that came out of their affairs, and eat those eggs!


Wait, did I say eggs ?

As in this ?

Eggs and eggs galore. Those are ducks eggs, in case if you don't know.
Picture from my own humble collection.


These are the nine great beauties and the 4 handsome studs that I was talking about.

My lovely ducks had finally learned and mastered the sexual education lessons, and had finally lay eggs. Hurray!!!!!

Congratulations to my beautiful ladies : Britney (Spears), Cleopatra, Christina (Aguilera), Michelle (Pfeiffer), Siti (Norhaliza), (Lady) Diana, Aishwarya (Rai), (Zhang) Xi Yi and Nicole (Kidman).

And kudos as well to the studs : Tom (Cruise), Brad (Pitt), Johnny (Depp) and Keanu Reeves).

With such good celebs names, I wonder how their babies would look like. Hmmmm...

OK, I'm off for another peeping sessions, tata guys, and thanks for dropping by!


    I read slowly, one eye brow twitching, macham seeing a woman mandi at well .......
    HAH! Itek pulak! I sure love your lively humour.

    You know, young days I would sneak in a chicken egg into my neighbour's duck pen bila pagi2 sebelum makcik tu collect the eggs...
    or if hatching.
    Terperanjat tengok keluar anak itek among the baby chicks. The mother hen pun panic big time, ha ha ha.

    As well put a duck egg at my Chinese neighbour's chicken pen where ada telor for hatching.....he sells the baby chicks.
    And he thinking which rascal playduck buat ini kerjah mate with a hen, ha ha ha.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Hi Uncle Lee,

    hehe oh you are equally naughty, kind sir! Letak telur itek at the hen's pen, and vice versa, that's soooooo cheeky!!!

    If you are my neighbour, then I would definitey put on my red riding hood costume and deliver those ducks eggs to you hehe

    Anyway, thanks for dropping by and take care ya!


  3. LOL I thought I stumbled onto a strange blog yang suka bercerita mengarut, but this was hilarious!

  4. Hi Nisa,

    hehe gotcha, didn't I ? Well, do come again!

    Take care

  5. Hi Razzlina....hey, you on strike ke blog on strike? Ha ha.
    Just dropped by see the eggs hatched?
    Have fun.

  6. Hi Uncle Lee,

    I'm back !!!! Thanks for dropping by!

  7. Hi Razzlina, First I tengok the title...biasa lah kan then as I read my eyes go like this 0-0 then like his *-* then like this ^-^ hahaha... you're really humorous. Love reading you posting. I'll take my time to read thru your old posting too.
