Sunday, September 4, 2011

Raya Memoir : The Beach, The Sea And My Heart....

Just came back from my kampung for raya...sigh....and I still got some pieces of my heart there...sob...sob....2 days just felt like 2 minutes, and I'm still longing for my hometown...aghhhh!!!!!!!

So with that, let me just pour out my longings here in my blog....hmmmm so where do I start this eyyyy ????

Geographically, I hailed from the East Coast of Malaysia, where there are many, many pretty pretty women per square feet, more than any other places in Malaysia, yours truly included. (haha!).

Terengganu is the name of the state, and Batu Burok Beach, is the name of my kampung. So that's the geographical facts. Enough with that.

Ahhh Batu you know that the name Batu Buruk is derived from one huge rock that resides about 500 metres from the beach ? The rock is not very big, but it is clearly visible from the beach, and here's the fact, the rock NEVER tenggelam or sink below sea level, even when the monsoon season or high tide !!!! Yups, even during the high tide, you can still see the tips of the rock, winking at you amidst the crazy, monstrous and swollen angry sea.

And Batu Buruk is such a beautiful place to be.

Picture this.

The endless long, white, pristine beach. And the sea in front of you that came in almost all shades of blues and greens, and sometimes the blues and greens are intertwined together, creating a new shade of turquoise that you won't find in any artist's palettes. And then the sky above reflected the sea shade in blue, and the gentle fresh breeze softly blowing right at you, like a lover's sweet whispers and caresses...mmmmmmm.....

Feels like paradise, right ?

Batu Buruk Beach...bellisima!!!!!

Well, that's my paradise, that's my childhood playground, and that's where pieces of my heart still remain....

And it was such a charming place for a playground. I remembered many, many games there. One that I fondly remembered is the war games. First, we ( me n my cousins and kampung friends) would dig up holes about knee deep. The holes would be our forts or barricades. And for ammo, we would go to the wet sand neat the water edge, dug up the wet sand, and rolled up the sands into many, many tiny balls. Then we would roll the balls onto the dry sand. Somehow, the dry sands made the wet sandy balls hold its shape, and we would stocked up those as much as we could. Those would be our hand grenades (yes Uncle Lee, I started early on the hand grenade thingy!).

And then the war began, and we throw up our ammo left and right, up and down and every direction in the horizon.

By the time our little war is over, we would have sands in our ears, in our mouths, in our bajus and all over our bodies, and this, would trigger our moms to be an incredible hulk to see us in such a mess! And of course we would very much like to avoid such a situation. No, thank you very much! Incurring the wraths of our mothers is a big NO NO!

So we would (stupidly) opted to wash all the sands from our bodies (i.e. removing the evidence) by dunking into the sea. And we had such a fun time getting rid of all the sandy evidence and chasing each other and continuing our war games in the sea. And boy it was fun!

Until someone pointed out that our grannies were standing near the sea shores, with a pelepah kelapa raised high and shouting for ALL of us to come out of the water.

That evening all of us got a nasty canning from our fathers because we mandi laut without any adult's supervision. And that is how we learn that besides from incurring the wrath of our mothers, we must also avoid from incurring the wrath of our fathers ! sigh.....such were the memories...

And I remembered how we (yep, the same gang again) would hunt down for little crabs and clams in the shallow sea water, and cooked those little buggers in Milo tins and have our own little BBQ party by the beach! I only stopped doing such activity when one of my aunts pointed out that we were being cruel to the little buggers, coz we cooked those buggers alive! Gasp! Masak hidup-hidup ??? Kejam tuh ! And I don't want to be cruel to the animals, so that is how our little BBQ parties ended....sigh.....such were the memories....

But we respected the sea. Even though we always curi-curi mandi laut without our parents' consent (we did this by mandi laut only when our grannies took their naps in the afternoon, thus bypassing the informers, smart thinking, kan???), we would never go near the sea during the monsoon season. Somehow, we have this inborn or built in instinct that the sea is not always a safe place to be.....

But I still love the sea, no matter how it looked. Looking at the sea made me forget all my worries. And watching the endless waves crashing on the shores made me feel calm. And seeing the big blue sea, with the big, blue sky above made me think that anything is possible.

And last few days, I rekindled my long, childhood romance with the sea, the beach and the sky....yet it still feels like I don't have enough, and I'm still longing for more....

And all I have are just memories.....

Batu Buruk, in the early hours in the mornin....

The South China Sea rushed to greet me, like long lost lovers embracing each other after long, long separation....and the morning sun blessed our little rendezvous with its golden glory....yup I'm being super poetic...must be the sea water....

My own boys, having a sand frenzy's such a delight to see this moments...

Sigh....enough with this reminiscence, hope that I can persuade my Hubby to balik kampung again, perhaps next month hehe...

So here's wishing all of you....

Selamat Hari Raya, peeps....thanks for dropping by !

Maaf Zahir Batin....

Razzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (yep, off to sleep and dream of my charming little paradise)


  1. Hi Razzlina, Yes, I have been there several times.
    Used to travel to G'anu practically every 2, 3 weeks.....staying at Tanjong Jara beach resort, in Trengannu at Primula hotel.
    A well go deep sea fishing at Marang, or Pulau Kapas.

    Love your beautiful pics. And yes, I can imagine how much you miss home.....the pristine sea, long deserted beaches, not to mention nasi dagang, ayam percik.

    I used to have problems when there, people there speak a foreign language, ha ha ha.
    You keep well, and have a pleasant week

  2. haha Uncle Lee, you hit the right spot there with Terengganu dwellers' accents...really confusing, right ?

    The accent is thick, with lots of g's at the end of almost every word (makan=makang, ikan=ikang etc etc), and the r's are also very thick (e.g. marah=maghoh, keras=keghah etc etc), and the worst thing is, people there speaks rapidly, as though as they are in a hurry for some battle or something! Funny, considering lifestyle over there is very laid back and relaxed! hmmmm...

  3. hang ni tuleh2 pnjang nak lawan uncle lee le nih! gambo pompuan seksi je lom ado....
    aku tak main ler beach... jakuzzi maaa... kat ganu ado?

  4. kaktek, kalau nak letak gambau seksis, bek la aku letak gambau lelaki seksis pakai spenda jerrrrr hahaha gambo pompuan seksis watperrrrr hahaha

  5. Hi Razzlina, actually reading your this blog story prompted my latest past experiences.
    I love Trengganu, and yes, the ladies there are exotic....*wink*.
    I sure miss nasi dagang.....used to have it near that big market in town, beside the river.

    There was a couple of coffee shops, and I would frequent one Makcik's stall for herdelicious nasi dagang.
    The Trengganu nasi lemak too really sedap best!

    Yes, Trengganu holds lots of memories to me.
    Used to stay at Tanjong Jara or Primula hotel, very often, every 3 weeks or so.
    Have a nice weekend, Razzlina.
    By the way, I love your stylish eloquence, and comments, bits of British in too, ha ha.

  6. Uncle Lee,

    Yes, nasi dagang...mmmmm...yummy !!! I've been to Tanjong Jara too, when I was just a little girl..the place is really, really beautiful, and the resort was really awesome! Really love the place!

    Primula Hotel...ah yes, Primula is in Batu Buruk, so it's practically my backyard haha...I used to jog there from my kampong, along the beach, and it was really fun. Again, too bad our paths never crossed hehe

    Thanks for dropping by, and many many thanks for your kind thoughts...I guess the Brits in me are finaly resurfacing (yeah, like I have some Brits bloodline in me lol!)

    You take care ya!
