Friday, December 31, 2010

Flashback, Flashback...

Today is the last day in 2010....Kejap jer rasa masa bergerak...tup tap tup tap, dah setahun.....

So apalagi, inilah saat yang sangat afdhal untuk kita menyelusuri rentetan perjalanan hidup sepanjang tahun 2010...Kira entri yang agak ilmiah la kan....takde la entri yang tunjuk kasut boot, gambau main seno atau citer pasal dibiden asb ke dan lain lain entri yang kureng ilmiah tuh....(hahaha mapuh la aku kena sumpah nehhh)

Anyway....Meh kita flashback....

Imbas kembali...tahun lepas, pada tarikh ini ai sibuk attend minggu orientasi otomen sulung ai, nun di skola taman datang dengan segerombolan angkatan otomen dan Teddy, pastu jumpa ngan Kak Tek n anak-anak patblas orang dia, tanpa abe Gapor yang masih kat US masa tu...

Then lepas habih orientation, kitorang singgah jumpa doktor pojaan ai, Prof Datok Dr Malathevan, sebab ai rasa tak sedap badan...pehtu, Dr M suh ai buat urine pregnancy test walopon ai konpiden jer cakap tak mungkin peknen kott...n ai leh hengat saat saat ai rasa macam terputus vena kava jantung bila Dr M cakap test postip!!! ayomaaaaa ! itulah jeritan batin ai tika dan saat itu......

Then, lopeh tu, bermula lah era SBM ai...SBM, as in sakit buatan orang dimana ai masa tu betul2 melepek pening loya muntah...erghhhh tak hingin ai flashback saat saat itu....

Then, lepas era SBM berakhir, ai leh la mula berpoya-poya dengan bekas jeran ai yang dah jadi expatriate di US nuunn...tapi tak lama tempoh berpoya-poya ai...sebab jeran ai terobang naik bilun ke US, meninggalkan ai terkontang kanting kesorangan...huhhu sedey, takmo flashback jugak saat tuh....

Then....lepas melalui era yang paling getir dalam hidup ai.....................I was finally rewarded with such a wonderful came in a beautiful bundle of joy, called Yusoff Solehuddin....Alhamdulillah...segala-galanya mudah, dan rezeki kami pun turut melimpah selepas kehadiran Yusoff....

Dan this point of time, here I J town, Ostolia Barat...the dust is settling down, and I;m still adjusting here n there....

Teddy cuba ambil hati ai dengan beli set sofa leather baru, TV LCD baru, keta baru eh silap...keta tuh keta dia heh heh....sort of like, easing the moving pains lah...

Huh...sebenonya udah jenuh ai cuba buat hubungan telepati dengan minda Teddy....only if he can read my mind...kalau nak hiburkan ati ai, bawak jer la ai ke kedai omeh...tapi so far, dia buat derkkkk jer...huh nyampah!!!!!

ERK! Sorry, dah melalut dah topik ai.....

Anyway, goodbye 2010...welcome 2011....

bring us good health, and great wealth and profound happiness....amen.....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

LeaVin' On A JeT PlaNe.........

"Leaving On A Jet Plane"

I'm ... I'm ...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

I'm ...

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

And I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

But I'm leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
(Leaving) On a jet plane

I'm in a melancholic mood now, hence that dreamy song by Chantal Kreviazuk. It really suits my mood and the situation I'm in now. Well if you don't remember, Leavin' On A Jet Plane was one of the soundtracks in the movie Armageddon's the departing scene when Liv Tyler said goodbye to her hero.....(yep, together with Aerosmith's I don't Want To Miss a thing , love that song too!).

And being melancholic, I remembered playing this song over and over again back in my rented serviced apartment in Sydney while waiting for the taxi to pick me up to the airport....ah the was the song that I shared with my best friend -arwah Badrul...may Allah have mercy on his soul.....

Anyway, this song is all about leaving, but at the same time the dread of leaving things behind...

And this is the situation I'm in now...I'm leaving Beverjalil Hills that I had fondly thought as my home, and will be heading to Jerantut, Ostolia Barat (haha! a little joke never hurts)...

Part of me welcomes this new adventure, but another part of me dreaded the move...I hope that this is just a temporary move, so far we still retain the house in Beverjalil Hills, but one can never be too sure....sedih huhu....sib baik la Kak Tek dah lamo blah dari Beverjalil Hills...tinggal la Tokeh Chick jadi presiden baru Kesatuan Penduduk this moment, I really really dreaded being trekontang kanting kesorangan tak dak port nak lepak, takdak kawan nak sesama buat ketupat.....huwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

I will miss Beverjalil Hills...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perutku boroi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week aku melihat arca ku di cermin...after 3 months of delivering Yusoff, and almost 9 months of having extended tummy during my 4th pregnancy.... I liked what I saw in the mirror....sambil2 tu, sempat gak aku baca mantera....

mirror mirror on the wall,
who's the fairest of them all?

Yeah. Guess who's face yang tertera kat ceromin tu...harharharrrr...sila la hal.... was a floor length mirror....I looked at my face (no changes there, I'm still gorgeous as before...yep, ini tempatnya utk muntah)..... then I moved my eyes downwards at the twin peaks, so to speak (yay, I love breastfeeding time! idok la flatscreen sangat kehkehkeh), then I looked further down, yeah I still liked what I saw...I've got dangerous curves (hahaha again, sila muntah di sini)..............and then, pandanganku bertembung dengan my middle-lower frontal area...........n at that, aku hampir histeria !!!!!!!!

Aku boroi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohmygod ohmygod!!!!!!!!!!

My oh did I ever let myself to be like that ????? oh depresi melanda diri...........

Hari ini, selepas seminggu in denial...aku menerima hakikat yang....aku boroi......perutku boroi dengan lemak degil lagi tepu yang bebas berkeliaran....huhuhu.......

So hari ni, aku start exercise...........I began with a simple 3 in 1 shots exercise regime....errrr aku tengok lam tibi jerr step tu...lam rancangan ala2 The Biggest Loser, versi Korea.....

3 in 1 or Triple one shots which comprises of stretching, cardio and muscle toning steps......

Verdict : Separuh nyawaku hilang....n aku baru buat 1 set of Triple One Shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Habih sakit badan gue......

Time to get my comfort food....heh heh

Monday, December 6, 2010

Semalam Ku Bermimpi...Wet Dream Wa Cakap Lu!!!!!!

Huh korang nih..mentang2 kat tajuk tu aku tulih tajuk wet dream, gelojoh jer korang kelik mouse korang...huh....takder makna nyerr aku nak share pasal wet dream aku kat korang, bak kata Datok CT, Biarlah Rohsie....ngeh ngeh ngeh...

Anyways....semalam memang aku ada bermimpi....baekkk punya mimpi...beshnyerrrrr....

ALkisahnya, aku mimpi pergi satu tempat ngan Teddy n Otomen2 aku....besa la mimpi, mula2 tempat tu macam blurred jer kan....pastu aku nak beli barang, tapi aku rasa kudukut nak pakai wit aku....and taraaaaaaaaaaaaa....

lam mimpi aku tu, Inchek Teddy ngan baekk ati nya cakap yg dia nak kasi wit kat aku....nahhhh segumpal duit dia kasi, all in RM50 n RM100 notes wa cakap luuuuu!!!! Ada la kat RM10K tu....10K wa cakap luuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! Uols jangan jeles OK!

Then, aku pun mula la bernapsu ganas nak belanja wit tu.....tapi............huhuhu....lam mimpi tu tetiba aku dah ada kat Jasko....n the worst thing is, Jasko dah tutup............dah kul 10 malam !!!!!!!! menchiks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pastu aku terjaga....chaissss dah subuh ghoper nyer......lepas semayang subuh, aku sambung tido balik, dengan harapan leh sambung mimpi jadi orang kayoss bawak wit 10K supping kat Jasko...tapi hampagas cuma....mimpi antu ada lerrrr....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

tapi aku tetap bahgia sebab lam mimpi tu inchek Teddy dengan murah hatinya bagi wit sepoloh ribu hingget kat aku...sepuluh ribu ringget melezia wa cakap luuuu......laki uols ada buat camtuh ??? ngeh ngeh ngeh....sayyyanggg teddy....

sekian, citer wet dream yg tak berapa wet sebab aku tak sempat klimeks supping kat Jasko...huhu