Nowadays, I am always breathless. Someone is sure to take my breath away. Lots and lots of breath and I am not even asthmatic to begin with.
But here's the punch line, the person responsible to cause me to be breathless all the time is a temporary resident inside my womb. Yep baby, you are the culprit!
I am now entering the dreaded third trimester of pregnancy. This is when I would be transformed into a heavy truck, the kind that is filled up to the ceilings with loads. My friend Adrian used to call me Penguin when I was in my third trimester with my first pregnancy. He said that I grow bigger (what he meant was my tummy grew bigger OK!), my style of walk resembles how a penguin walk. And I sweetly told him that yeah, vice versa Ade! (gosh I hope that he is not reading this haha)
Well picture this. When I stand up straight and when I look down below, I can't see my own feet, even if I tried to suck my breath to tuck in my tummy ! Oh I tried to cheat by peeping over the big mound of my tummy, but still, no sign of my own two feet. The only way I can see them is by leaning forward, and that, is indeed a wrong move to make. You see, like a heavy truck, my center of gravity had shifted somewhere else, and I am very very prone to lost my balance and toppled over ! Sigh....
And when I lie down to sleep, I mean lying straight on my back, I would be breathless. Yep you guess it right, my big tummy will press against my lungs, and cause me to be breathless.
I would be breathless after dinner, lunch and breakfast (hey I AM eating for two OK!). I would be breathless after I climb the stairs. Heck, I am breathless just by sitting in front of my laptop and surfing the net (which I do, like 23 hours in a day!) haha...
And don't let me start with my bellybutton...sigh..I had always been an innie all of my life...and now, suddenly, my bellybutton is inside out !!!!!!!!!!!! sigh.......
Note : This is not my bellybutton, but it sure is close haha
but I complaining ?
Heck no !!! I am enjoying every second of my pregnancy !!!!!
Yeah right babe.........
it's second time bullshit happend
7 years ago