Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My G Spot


My G what?

Oh. Did I say g spot?

hahaha my bad. I mean my G Tab.

So sorry to misled you guys into thinking that I would be describing about ermmmm well ummmm sorry I can't even pronounce that words haha...

OK let's get down to business...

I had been hibernating again since my last entry. But this time is is not entirely my fault. I blame it on my G Tab....say that again, in English please!

Well, G Tab is actually my latest's 7 inch long (yessss size does matter!) and it is deeply satisfying to me...with my 7 inch toy, I can do it anywhere, anytime, any place! And I hd been carrying my toy with me everywhere, safely tucked inside my handbag...amd wherever, whenever I had the urge, I would reach for it, without shame! Gosh I would even sleep with my toy next to my pillow after spending countless hours with the toy....mmmm me and my toy, we are one!

That's how inseperable I am with my latest gadget, Samsung Galaxy Tablet PC with 7 inch long screen...What? You were misled again into thinking something dirty? Shame on you!

Haha...but there is  limitation to my gadget that made me shy away from my's the touch screen. Don't get me wrong. I love touch screens. It is such a liberation when you can just point with your fingers directly to the screen and get rid of accookessories like mouse or scroll buttons or whatever. Especially when you are shopping online or busily snooping on some delicious gossip boards!

But try typing or writing a full blog entry with a 7 inch screen with tiny, tiny virtual keyboard.Suddenly my long, elegant and very ladylike fingers are too wide for the sensitive virtual keyboard and I end up with a blog entry with a language that remotely resembles  a mixture of English/French/Swahili lingo...sigh...

And the air around me would be foul with all dirty dirty expletives whenever I realised that I had been writing in some alien that is why I shied away from my blog...